歌词 "This Old Road" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

This Old Road



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Look at that old photograph 看看老照片

Is it really you 难道真的是你

Smiling like a baby full of dreams 微笑像一个充满梦想的孩子


Smiling ain't so easy now 微笑也不是那么容易的,现在

Some are coming true 有些正在变成现实

Nothing's simple as it seems 没有什么是简单的,因为它似乎


But I guess you count your blessings with the problems 但我猜你算你的祝福与问题

That you're dealing with today 那你今天处理

Like the changing of the seasons 就像四季的变化


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Ain't you come a long way 是不是你很长的路要走

Ain't you come a long way 是不是你很长的路要走

Ain't you come a long way down 是不是你走过了漫漫长路

This old road 这个老路


Looking at a looking glass 在看镜子

Running out of time 时间不多了

On a face you used to know 上一张脸,你用了就知道


Traces of a future lost 未来的痕迹丢失

In between the lines 在字里行间

One more rainbow for the road 在道路多了一个彩虹


Thinking of the faces in the window 面中的窗口的思维

That you passed along the way 那你一路上顺利通过

Or the last thing you believed in 或者你在信的最后一件事


[Chorus] [合唱]


Say you tried to chase the sundown 假设你想追逐日落

And you let it slip away 而你让它溜走

And the holy night is falling 和圣夜落


[Chorus] [合唱]


Look at that old photograph 看看老照片

Is it really you? 真的是这样吗?

歌词 This Old Road 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/this-old-road/