歌词 "This Love's On Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

This Love's On Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sittin' alone at a table for two, when she walked in 坐在我独自在一张桌子两个,当她走了

I was down on my second love, 我对我的第二次恋爱,

Swore I'd never do that again 发誓我再也不会那样做了

She sat down beside me and tried to explain 她在我身边坐下,并试图解释

That two bad loves don't spoil the whole darn game 这两个坏的爱情不破坏整个该死的游戏

The first love lies 第一个爱的谎言

The second lover hurts you deep inside 第二个爱人伤害了你内心深处

Now that you're free 现在,你是自由的

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

I thought my life was at the end of its rope 我以为我的生活是在其穷途末路

Without true love, there could be no hope 如果没有真正的爱情,有可能是没有希望的

Then she asked if I would stay for the night 然后她问我是否愿意留下来过夜

She said, everything's gonna be all right 她说,一切都会没事的

The sun came up the very next day 太阳出来了,第二天

I knew what she meant when I heard her say 我知道她的意思,当我听到她说

The first love lies 第一个爱的谎言

The second lover hurts you deep inside 第二个爱人伤害了你内心深处

Now that you're free 现在,你是自由的

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

She sat down beside me and tried to explain 她在我身边坐下,并试图解释

That two bad loves don't spoil the whole darn game 这两个坏的爱情不破坏整个该死的游戏

The first love lies 第一个爱的谎言

The second lover hurts you deep inside 第二个爱人伤害了你内心深处

Now that you're free 现在,你是自由的

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

I'm gonna love away your misery 我要的爱带走你的痛苦

Soon you will see 很快你会看到

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊。

This love's on me 这爱是在我身上

I'm gonna love away your misery 我要的爱带走你的痛苦

Now that you see 现在,你看到

This love's on me... 这爱是在我身上......

歌词 This Love's On Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/this-love_s-on-me/

歌词 This Love's On Me 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Joseph Kimberlin, Jeff Cook, Ken Randolph, John E. Lawrence


Sony/ATV Tree Publishing