歌词 "Things Look So Different From The Sky" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Things Look So Different From The Sky



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同

Everything looks smaller when you're up so high 一切看起来更小,当你离我太远

Nothing seems important when you think that you might die 当你认为你可能会死似乎没有什么重要

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Up above the clouds looking down 截至云层之上俯视

Trying to keep your feet on solid ground 试图让你脚踏实地

They say a man is not supposed to cry 他们说,一个人不应该哭

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Funny how your mind just rambles on 有趣的是你的心只是在漫步

Knowing you're somewhere you don't belong 了解你的地方,你不属于

You'll forget your troubles when you fly 当你飞,你会忘记你的烦恼

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Up in the air you move so fast 在空气中移动那么快

Rushing to your future from your past 从你的过去抢着你的未来

It used to be so hard to say goodbye 它曾经是那么难说再见

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Heaven's only Heaven, Heaven knows 天堂唯一的天堂,天知道

Heaven's just a place you pray to go 天堂的只是一个地方你祷告去

Sometimes called The Sweet By And By 有时也被称为甜渐渐地

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Funny how your mind just rambles on 有趣的是你的心只是在漫步

Knowing you're somewhere you don't belong 了解你的地方,你不属于

You'll forget your troubles when you fly 当你飞,你会忘记你的烦恼

Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同


Things look so different from the sky 事情看起来从天空如此不同

歌词 Things Look So Different From The Sky 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/things-look-so-different-from-the-sky/

歌词 Things Look So Different From The Sky 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
'59 Cadillac '57 Chevrolet
3 Biggest Lies In The World
Bright Morning Light
Child Of God
Cocaine Carolina
Cum Stains On The Pillow
Dear Penis
Fish Aren't Biting Today
Free My Mind
Fuck Anita Bryant
Headed For The Country
If I Knew
If That Ain't Country - Part 2
Jimmy Buffett Doesn't Live In Key West Anymore
Just To Prove My Love To You
Linda Lovelace
Little Orphan Annie
Looking In The Mirror
Lovin' You Comes So Natural
Lyin' Comes So Easy To Your Lips
Master Bation Blues
Meanwhile Back In Memphis
Mississippi Woman
Niggerhatin' Me
Now I Lay Me Down To Cheat
Old Grey Goose Is Dead
Please Come To Boston
Pledging My Love
Pussy Whipped Again
Ride 'em Cowboy
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town
Shackles And Chains
Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay
Southern Star
Tanya Montana
The Devil Went Down To Jamaica
The Rodeo Song
Thief In My Bedroom
Things Look So Different From The Sky
Vibrator Queen
Waylon Willie And Me
Wild Irish Rose
Chicago (Adult Contemporary Easy Listening Version)
Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder Version)
Reach For The Sky
In The Sky
Caught In The Middle
Different People
Look For Me
Touch The Sky
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36