歌词 "Things I Like To Do" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Things I Like To Do



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I don't know where we are 我不知道我们在哪里

But I know what I like to do 但我知道我喜欢做的事

I like staring up at a starry sky and down on an ocean blue 我喜欢仰望星空上下对海洋的蓝色

I like it when we touch 我喜欢它,当我们接触

To most people this isn't much 对大多数人来说,这是没有太大的

These are the things that I like to do 这些是我喜欢做的事


I don't know where to go 我不知道哪里去了

But I know what I like to do 但我知道我喜欢做的事

I like walking down those little streets when we're in Paris, France 我喜欢走的小街道,当我们在巴黎,法国

When I'm in the mood to run and when I'm in the mood to dance 当我在心情上运行,当我的心情跳舞

These are the things that I like to do 这些是我喜欢做的事


I don't know how to spell 我不知道如何拼写

But I know what I like to do 但我知道我喜欢做的事

I like thinking 'bout the people who lived here before us 我喜欢在想回合谁住这里,看到眼前的人

I like listening to my favorite music when I'm on the bus 我喜欢听我喜欢的音乐时,我在公共汽车上

These are the things that I like to do 这些是我喜欢做的事


I don't know what to do 我不知道该怎么办

But I know what I like to do 但我知道我喜欢做的事

I like talking in the diner 'stead of screaming in the noisy bar 我喜欢说话的尖叫喧闹的酒吧的晚餐“代替

I like walking into public places strumming this guitar 我喜欢走进公共场所弹奏这把吉他

These are the things that I like to do 这些是我喜欢做的事


But most of all I like liking you 但最重要的是我喜欢喜欢你

歌词 Things I Like To Do 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/things-i-like-to-do/