歌词 "There Is A King In You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

There Is A King In You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse:] [诗: ]

You come from Royalty, 你来自版税,

An aristocratic dynasty. 贵族王朝。

The goal of the enemy, 敌人的目标,

Is that you don't know who you are. 是,你不知道你是谁。

There's power when you speak. 当你说话有力量。

Be mindful of words you release. 留心你释放的话。

I know that life has challenged you, 我知道,生活挑战你,

But the King in me speaks to the King in you. 但在我的国王说国王的你。

You were born to rule. 你出生的统治。

There is a king in you. [Repeat] 这里是你的国王。 [重复]


[Bridge:] [桥: ]

Is there no King in you, 是否有你不景,

Then why do you speak, speak with such defeat. 那你为什么说话也有这样的惨败。

Is there no King in you, 是否有你不景,

Then why do you speak, speak with such low esteem. 那你为什么说话也有如此低的自尊。


I know life has challenged you, 我知道生活挑战你,

But the King in me speaks to the king in you. 但在我的国王说在你们的王。

You were born to rule. 你出生的统治。

There is a King in you. 还有就是在你一景。


[Vamp:] [妖女: ]

There is a King in you [repeat w/ invert] 有一个国王,你[重复W /反转]

歌词 There Is A King In You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/there-is-a-king-in-you/

歌词 There Is A King In You 的作者与版权信息:


Donald L. Lawrence


Q. W. Publishing, Bridge Building Music