歌词 "The Writhing South" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Writhing South



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Yeah, yeah, yeah, ok 是啊,是啊,是啊,OK


Searching for blood in the salty sea 寻找血液中的咸海水

The sun beating down on the chest in back of me 太阳在我的背部上下跳动的胸部

Looking for drugs in a southern town 寻找药物的江南小镇

Hey, hey, hey, hey 嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿

I’ve got this red right hand that points me south 我有这种红色的右手指向我南

The puke green clouds just spat me out into the hot heartland 在呕吐绿色云刚吐我到炎热的中心地带

I landed with no chute. 我降落,没有滑道。


I hear 我听到

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我。”

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me, hey" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我,嘿嘿”


Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。

Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。


Alright we're gonna do it again for ya now. Okay YEAH....OH YEAH....YEAH! 好吧,我们要再做一次雅了。好了啊....哦耶....呀!


They've got the army of ears; they can’t hear you now 他们有耳朵的军队;他们听不见你现在

I got the piss in my veins in these furrowed brows 我得到了小便在我的血管在这些皱起了眉头

You've got this one last change to burn me, turn me down 你有这一个过去的变化来烧我,拒绝我

If not I’ve got these last 12 bucks to spend on you 如果不是我有这最后的12块钱花在你

You can take me anywhere your sick mind wants to 你可以带我在任何地方你脑子有病要

I'll use your South to fuel me, using you. 我会用你的南来推动我,用你。


I hear 我听到

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我。”

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me, hey" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我,嘿嘿”


Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。

Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。


I hear 我听到

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我。”

"Hey, hey, hey, hey come pollinate me, hey" “嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿前来授粉我,嘿嘿”


Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。

Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 在房间,在房间里,我希望看你很快再次翻腾。

I hope to watch you writhe again soon. 我希望看你很快再次翻腾。

歌词 The Writhing South 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-writhing-south/