歌词 "The Workout" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Workout



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was dancing with a dirty blond Texan 我跳舞有一个肮脏的金发德州

Charming accent but the music's playing too loud for talking 迷人的口音,但在音乐的演奏太大声说话

So I showed him how people in the Far East get down 所以,我给他的人在远东是怎么了


Push it up, push it down 向上推,推了下去

Pull it up, pull it down 把窗帘拉起来,拉下来

Keep it up, keep it down 继续努力吧,把它倒

Now put me down 现在放我下来

...what a workout! ......什么锻炼!


If you want, you can come 如果你愿意,你可以来

Come get it, get it 来得到它,得到它

If you don't you may really regret it, 'gret it 如果你没有,你可能真的后悔了, “ GRET它

Up and down till your knees start shakin' shakin' 向上和向下,直到你的膝盖开始颤抖颤抖

Ain't it good to be alive tonight 是不是好好地活着今晚


One life, two-time, 3 girls, 4 guys 一个生命,两年时间, 3个女孩, 4人

Five ripples running up and down my spine 五涟漪跑上跑下我的脊椎

6.0 Make it sweet, drop another dime 6.0让它甜,再跌角钱


I was talking with a born-again Christian 我是一个重生的基督徒说话

"So what's it like to start life all over?" “那么,什么是它要开始生命中的一切了吗? ”

He said "Amen, 他说:“阿门,

I feel like I've been rediscovering the tomb Tutankhamen." 我觉得我已经重新发现了图坦卡蒙的坟墓。 “


Push it up, push it down 向上推,推了下去

Pull it up, pull it down 把窗帘拉起来,拉下来

Keep it up, keep it down 继续努力吧,把它倒

Baby don't put me down 宝贝不要放我下来

...what a workout! ......什么锻炼!


What you want, it's a done deal 你想要什么,这是木已成舟

Shake it, shake it 摇了,摇

What you don't, you can forget about it, 'bout it 你做什么没有,你可以忘掉它, “这回合

Up and down, feel your brainwaves jumpin' jumpin' 上下,感觉你的脑电波冒险冒险

Make me wanna take a dive 让我想带一个潜水

As we count to five 当我们数到五


One life, two-time, 3 girls, 4 guys 一个生命,两年时间, 3个女孩, 4人

Five ripples running up and down my spine 五涟漪跑上跑下我的脊椎

Can you hold on someone's calling on the other line 你可以在别人的通话持有的其他行


Push it up, push it down 向上推,推了下去

Pull it up, pull it down 把窗帘拉起来,拉下来

Keep it up, keep it down 继续努力吧,把它倒

Now put me down 现在放我下来

...what a workout! ......什么锻炼!


If you want, you can come 如果你愿意,你可以来

Come get it, get it 来得到它,得到它

If you don't you may really regret it, 'gret it 如果你没有,你可能真的后悔了, “ GRET它

Up and down till your knees start shakin' shakin' 向上和向下,直到你的膝盖开始颤抖颤抖

Ain't it good to be alive tonight 是不是好好地活着今晚


One life, two-time, 3 girls, 4 guys 一个生命,两年时间, 3个女孩, 4人

Five ripples running up and down my spine 五涟漪跑上跑下我的脊椎

6.0 Make it sweet, drop another dime 6.0让它甜,再跌角钱

歌词 The Workout 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-workout/