歌词 "The Woods" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Woods



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Gone so long I stepped out of the woods 走了这么久,我走出困境

I was misunderstood but in light of it all 我被误解了,但鉴于这一切

I sit back and check their disguise 我坐在后面,并检查他们的伪装

Their dark shallow eyes got lost in the haze of the light 他们的黑暗芽眼浅迷失在光的阴霾


So I sit back and watch 于是我坐下来观看

I see all their masks soon appear 我看到他们的面具很快出现

Long for the woods 长林子

From this place I'll disappear 从这个地方,我会消失


They all strive to deviate from the norm 他们都努力从规范偏离

But collectively swarm to be all the same 但集体一窝蜂全部相同

To alter image prosthetics are worn 为了改变形象假肢磨损

Their primped plastic forms melt in the heat of the light 其primped塑料形成熔体中的光的热


Then I step to the light 然后,我一步光

And see all their masks soon appear 而看到他们所有的面具很快出现

I long for the woods 我渴望树林

From this place I'll disappear 从这个地方,我会消失

歌词 The Woods 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-woods-5/

歌词 The Woods 的作者与版权信息:


Jacob Aaron Smith


Kohaw Music O.B.O. The White Buffalo Internationa