歌词 "The Weedman" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Weedman



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman !

Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Weedman, hes my friend. [x2] Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Weedman , HES我的朋友。 [X2]


[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

The weedman, the cannibus pack, the vegetables, the lettuce man, the hydrogen laugh, 该weedman的cannibus包,蔬菜,生菜的人,氢笑,

the cure, the grass, the medicine, the farmers, the club, the growers and the citizens. 治愈,草,药,农民,俱乐部,种植者和市民。

The caters, the champ that amped um for the marching bands. 在迎合,那陶醉UM的步操乐队的冠军。

You will wanna learn this dance, side to side from left to right like this wit yo hands. 你会想学这个舞蹈,一边到另一边,从左至右这样的机智哟手。

You one of my loyalest customers, you know I ain't gone get ya, 你我loyalest客户之一,你知道是不是走了我得到你,

Ima slide through there in a minute & Ima smoke somethin' witcha. IMA通过有一分钟与伊玛烟雾事端witcha幻灯片。

This week I'm runnin' a special, I'm tryna have my doe, this week I'm lettin' um go for like 250 a O. 这个星期我飞奔特殊,我tryna有我的母鹿,这周我释放Walking 嗯去像250 O。

Some of us sellin' pills, some of us sellin' blow. 我们中有些人出卖丸,有些人出卖的打击。

Some of us got meals, & some of us is poor. 我们中有些人得到的饭菜,和我们中的一些较差。

Thats why I'm lettin' um go for the low low, duckin' & ditchin' & dodgin' the po po. 这就是为什么我释放Walking 嗯去为低的低, duckin & ditchin & dodgin “的婆婆。

Gettin' um off for cheap, no boy, competitors can't compete, my prices is hard to beat, 刚开了UM了便宜,没水喝,竞争对手无法抗衡,我的价格是很难被击败,

affordable tryna stay on my feet, shippin' & handlin', gamblin' my turkey bags don't leak. 实惠tryna留在我的脚下, shippin &韩德林 ,布林“我的火鸡包不漏。

Bieeetch! Bieeetch !


Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman !

Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Weedman, hes my friend. [x2] Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Weedman , HES我的朋友。 [X2]


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

On the hush hush, the majority of the time I don't really like to flamboast to much, 在嘘嘘,大部分的时间,我真的不喜欢flamboast得多,

cause the jealous will drop a dime & try too tell on us. 引起嫉妒就会下降一毛钱和尝试过告诉我们。

In my line of work not even your bestfriend ya trust, thas why I always pack a 9 in case I gotta bust, 在我的工作不是连你最好的朋友雅信任,临时房屋区,为什么我总是收拾9的情况下,我得胸围,

speakin' of bust I think that rhymes with cannibus. 胸围speakin “我觉得押韵与cannibus 。

Marijawana & I'm the provider who gotta lighter. Marijawana &我是谁得较轻的供应商。

Higher & higher, the new thing is a vaporizer, the other day ago they had to rush my folks to kaiser, 高和更高的,新的东西是一个蒸发器,另外一天前,他们不得不赶我的乡亲凯泽,

cause his heart was skippin' a beat & it was off track, but really & truly my folks was havin' a panic attack. 导致他的心脏被略过的一个节拍与它偏离了轨道,但实际上与真正的我的乡亲是要有一个惊恐发作。

Everybody ain't built to reef, but some of us smoke from the time we wake up too the time we go to sleep. 大家是不是建礁,但我们中的一些烟从我们醒得我们去睡觉的时间的时间。

I'm on my way back from New Mexico on my 7th tank of petro, 我对我的方式,从新墨西哥州回到我的第7坦克石油的,

in my new school Lincoln Navi, with my decoy right behind me, 在我的新学校林肯导航,我的诱饵我身后,

takin' the back roads, customers on hold, soon as I get in the city limits this sh't is good as sold. 羚牛后面的道路,客户保留,只要我得到了市区范围本sht是好出售。

Bieeetch! Bieeetch !


Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman !

Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Weedman, hes my friend. [x2] Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Weedman , HES我的朋友。 [X2]


[Verse 3:] [诗歌3 : ]

UGHH! I got that white widow, that sour diesel, them northern lights, that kush, that afghani, UGHH !我有白寡妇,那酸酸的柴油,他们北极光,这都库什山脉,是阿富汗,

that champagne, that purple haze I push. Indoor, outdoor either or it don't matter, 香槟,那紫雾我推。室内,室外两种,或者并不重要,

smoking weed is therapuetic & healin', weed is a muscle relaxer. Its more right than wrong, it helped me write this song. 抽大麻是therapuetic & healin ,杂草是肌肉放松的。它不是错了更多的权利,它帮助我写这首歌曲。

You might get the munchies & eat a muthafu'ka out they house & home. 你可能会得到的零食和吃muthafuka了他们房子和家庭。

Alot of us smoke the hooka, alot of us smoke the bong, swisher sweets, backwoods, zig zags, or a kong. 我们中的很多抽烟的hooka ,很多美国的烟峰,斯威舍甜食,粗野,锯齿牛头犬,或香港。

My harvest game is sick, my strains & my seeds, my potnah got a DUI for smoking too much weed, 我的收获游戏生病了,我的菌株和我的种子,我potnah了酒后驾车吸烟过多的杂草,

you can look me right in the eye & tell that I'm keyed. 你可以看看我的权利的眼睛和告诉我键入。

Cataracts, cannibus card, its hard too see & read. 白内障, cannibus卡,它很难得看到和阅读。

Bieeetch! Bieeetch !


Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman !

Ayee mama, I know the weedman! Weedman, hes my friend. [x2] Ayee妈妈,我知道weedman ! Weedman , HES我的朋友。 [X2]

歌词 The Weedman 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-weedman/