歌词 "The Way We Were" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Way We Were



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Memories 回忆

Like the corners of my mind 就像我心中的角落

Misty water-colored memories 蒙蒙的水彩色的回忆

Of the way we were 的方式,我们都


Scattered pictures 散乱的图片

Of the smiles we left behind 微笑的我们留下

Smiles we gave to one another 笑我们给彼此

For the way we were 对于我们这样


Can it be, it was all so simple then 难道,这一切都是那么单纯

Or has time re-written every line 或有时间重新编写每一行

If we had the chance to do it all again 如果我们有机会再次做这一切

Tell me, would we or could we 告诉我的话,我们还是可以,我们


Memories 回忆

May be beautiful and yet 也许是美丽的,但

What's too painful to remember 什么是太痛苦记忆

We simply choose to forget 我们干脆选择了遗忘


So it's the laughter 所以它的笑声

We will remember 我们会记得

Whenever we remember 当我们回忆起

The way we were 我们的方法

The way we were 我们的方法


See I will not replace 看我会不会取代

Or erase all our memories 或擦除所有的回忆

Lessons given to us 给我们的教训

We learned unselfishly 我们学会了无私

So take this moment 因此,利用这一时刻

Take an extra breath 采取额外的气息

With respect 关于

For our time 对于我们的时间

Can't rewind 无法倒带

What's just meant to be 什么是刚刚的意思是


But now we gotta move on 但现在我们得继续前进

Gotta stay strong 总得留强

Celebrating us all night long 整夜庆祝我们

No regrets 没有遗憾

Don't forget 不要忘了

That our time together 我们在一起的时间

Was truly beautiful 是真正的美丽

These memories 这些记忆

Will live forever 将永远活


Memories 回忆

May be beautiful and yet 也许是美丽的,但

What's too painful to remember 什么是太痛苦记忆

We simply choose to forget 我们干脆选择了遗忘


So it's the laughter 所以它的笑声

We will remember 我们会记得

Whenever we remember 当我们回忆起

The way we were 我们的方法

歌词 The Way We Were 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-way-we-were-6/

歌词 The Way We Were 的作者与版权信息:


Marvin Hamlisch, Marilyn Bergman, Alan Bergman


Colgems-emi Music Inc.