歌词 "The Water Is Wide" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Water Is Wide



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The water is wide, I can't cross over, and neither have I wings to fly. 水是广泛的,我不能越过,也不是我所飞翔的翅膀。

Build me a boat that can carry two and both shall row, my love and I. 请陶冶我的船可以承载两个双双排,我的爱和我。


There is a ship and she sails the sea. She's loaded deep, as deep can be. 有一艘船,她航行大海。她装深沉,深即可。

But not so deep as the love I'm in, I know not how I sink or swim. 但不那么深的爱我的,我知道我没怎么自生自灭。


Oh love is handsome and love is fine, the sweetest flower when first it's new. 哦,爱是帅气和爱是好的,最甜蜜的花朵时,首先它是新的。

But love grows old and waxes cold and fades away like Summer dew. 但是爱情变老和蜡冷消逝喜欢夏天的露水。


Build me a boat that can carry two and both shall row, my love and I, 请陶冶我的船可以承载两个双双排,我的爱我,

And both shall row, my love and I. 而且两个人都要行,我的爱和我。

歌词 The Water Is Wide 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-water-is-wide/

歌词 The Water Is Wide 的作者与版权信息:


Karla Bonoff, Frank Hamilton, Peter Seeger, Michael Edward Timmins, J. Taylor, Bob Dylan, D. Grolnick


Usi A Music Publishing, Seagrape Music, Special Rider Music, Carmine Street Publishing, Figs D Music