歌词 "The War Vs. Us All" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The War Vs. Us All



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The war against us all  

This war in Iraq isn't the end; it's the beginning of Wars to come  

All around the world at the whim of the Neo-Cons in the White House  

This is the Bush Doctrine come to life; War, war and more war! 对我们所有的战争

War brought to you by the big corporate-masters who run the show 伊拉克战争还没有结束;它是战争的开始来

This isn't just a War on Iraqis or Afghanis or Arabs, or even Muslims 世界上所有的新保守主义者在白宫周围心血来潮

It is ultimately a War on us all! 这是布什主义来生活;战争,战争,更多的战争!

That's because the billions and billions that are being spent on this War 战争给你带来的大企业,大师谁运行show

The cost of tanks, rocketry, bullets and yes even salaries 这不仅是一个战争的伊拉克人或阿富汗人,或阿拉伯人,甚至是穆斯林

For the 125, 000 plus troops, is money that will never be spent on; 但最终我们大家一战!

Education, on healthcare, on the reconstruction of crumbling public housing 这是因为那些花在这场战争的几十亿

Or to train and place the millions of workers 坦克,火箭,子弹是的,即使工资成本

Who have lost manufacturing jobs in the past three years alone 对于125 , 000加兵,是一个永远不会被用在赚钱;

The War in Iraq is in reality; a war against the nations' workers and the poor 教育,医疗保健,在摇摇欲坠的公共房屋重建

Who are getting less and less 或培训,并把数以百万计的工人

While the big Defense industries and making a killing – literally! 谁在过去的三年里失去了制造业就业机会

What's next Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela? 伊拉克战争是现实;对国家的工人和穷人一战

We've already seen the corporate media 谁是越来越少

Play megaphone to the White House, to build and promote a War based on lies 而大国防工业作出杀害†“的字面!

War is utilized by the imperialists first and foremost, to crush internal enemies 接下来会发生什么,伊朗,叙利亚,朝鲜,委内瑞拉?

We're seeing the truth of it's insight 我们已经看到了企业媒体

When we see the sad state of American education 播放扩音器白宫,基于谎言建设,促进战争

The rush of seniors to buy affordable medications from the Canadians 战争是帝国主义首先利用,粉碎敌人内部

Because American drugs are just too expensive 我们看到的事实是洞察力

The threat of privatization of Social Security 当我们看到美国教育的可悲状态

And the wave of repression that comes with an increasing Militarized Police; 老年人的抢购从加拿大人负担得起的药物

This is a War on all of us 因为美国的药物只是太贵了

And the struggle against War is really a struggle for a better life 社会保障私有化的威胁

For the millions of folks who are in need here in this country! 和镇压自带的日益军事化警察的浪潮;

The fight against the War is really to fight for your own interest 这是对我们所有人的战争

Not the false interests of the Defense Industry 反对战争的斗争的确是为了更好的生活奋斗

Or the corporate media or the White House 对于数以百万计的人谁是需要在这个国家的!

Down with the Wars for empire! 反对战争的斗争是真的为自己争取利益


From Death row this is Mumia Abu Jamal... 或公司媒体或白宫

歌词 The War Vs. Us All 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-war-vs-us-all/