歌词 "The Walls Of The World" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Walls Of The World



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The sun is only shining like it always does 太阳只照耀喜欢它总是这样

But I never noticed it in the sky before 但我从来没有注意到它在天空中前

And you don't need to worry 而且你也不需要担心

'Cause I need your love, my friend 因为我需要你的爱,我的朋友


There's a strong kind of feeling when I know you're near 有一个强烈的一种感觉,当我知道你靠近

Nobody alive can take it away from me 没有人活着可以把它远离我

And I feel like I've known you for a thousand years 而且我觉得我认识你一万年

Bring it out into the light 把它拿出来成亮


'Cause I think I'm gonna write it on the walls of the world 因为我想我会是世界的墙壁上写

So everyone will know today the love I hold for you 所以,每个人都知道今天的爱,我抱你

I will write it on the walls of the world 我会写这世界的墙壁上

So that the sun won't fade away the words I say to you 让阳光不会消失的话,我告诉你

I love you 我爱你


And I know I'm not a loser when I'm on my own 我知道我不是一个失败者,当我在我自己的

I could be miles away in another land 我可以很远的另一片土地

And it keeps me together when I'm far from home 它让我在一起的时候,我远离家乡

I won't keep it out of sight 我不会把它的视线


And I think I'm gonna write it on the walls of the world 我想我会写世界的墙壁上

So everyone will know today the love I hold for you 所以,每个人都知道今天的爱,我抱你

I will write it on the walls of the world 我会写这世界的墙壁上

So that the sun won't fade away the words I say to you 让阳光不会消失的话,我告诉你

I love you 我爱你

歌词 The Walls Of The World 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-walls-of-the-world/

歌词 The Walls Of The World 的作者与版权信息:


Mike Batt


Dramatico Music Publishing Ltd.