歌词 "The Un-American" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Un-American



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The un-American 在非美国

Needs a personal Jesus 需要个人的耶稣

Private insurance 私人保险

An obedient wife 听话的老婆

The un-American 在非美国

Should really stop complaining 真的应该停止抱怨

He oughta take a trip to Disney 他现在应该去一趟迪斯尼

Get his head on right 得到他的头部右侧

Buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new 新买的买新的买新的买新的

It'll be alright 它会没事的

Buy a new buy a new buy a new 新买的买新的买新的

That should fix the un-American 这应该可以解决了非美国

A threat to security 对安全的威胁

Feeding on literature 饲养文学

From a socialist state 从社会主义国家

The un-American 在非美国

It really breaks my heart 这真的打破我的心脏

To see a promising citizen deviate 看到一个有前途的公民偏离

Buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new 新买的买新的买新的买新的

It'll be alright 它会没事的

Buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new buy 新买的买新的买新的买新的买新的买新的买

That should fix the un-American 这应该可以解决了非美国

Oh 呵呵

Oh 呵呵

Oh 呵呵

Oh oh 哦,哦,

The un-American 在非美国

Could be your own neighbor 可能是你自己的邻居

He could be talking to your children 他可能会说你的孩子

Sleeping with your wife 与你的妻子睡

Oh what if you're the un-American 哦,如果你什么非美国

Oh what if you're the un-American 哦,如果你什么非美国

Oh what if you're the un-American 哦,如果你什么非美国

Oh if you're the un-American 哦,如果你的非美国

Oh 呵呵

Buy a new buy a new buy a new buy a new 新买的买新的买新的买新的

It'll be alright 它会没事的

Buy a new buy a new 新买的买新的

And it'll be alright 它会好起来的

Be alright 没事的

歌词 The Un-American 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-un-american/

歌词 The Un-American 的作者与版权信息:


Matthew B. Morris


Music Of Big Deal, Mass Transit Music, Chrysalis Songs, Mill-ville Music