歌词 "The Turning" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Turning



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Far from this life of smoke and fear 远离这种生活的烟雾和恐惧

I dreamed a path no one else could claim 我梦想的道路没有人可以声称

Not one face ever stained with tears 没有一个脸上曾经沾满泪水

Or blood that spilled in someone else's name 或血液,在别人的名字洒


Would not run, could not hide 不会跑,无法掩饰

From the perfect wave 从完美的海浪

Only those who know the tides 只有那些谁知道潮汐

Are not swept away 没有卷走


Who would not chose the turquoise sky 谁也不会选择了青绿色的天空

Over the streets of steel and concrete gray? 在钢铁和水泥灰色的街道吗?

Colors that once could free the mind 色,一旦能够释放心灵

Become so drab, all joy begins to drain away 变得如此单调,都要以为大喜乐开始排走


Every hope overwhelmed 每一个希望不堪重负

Now the perfect storm 现在的完美风暴

Washed away every stain 洗去污渍的每

To show the world reborn 向世界展示重生


Time has come to lose the pasts 时间已经到了失去的过去

Ashes to the wind 骨灰风

When the first become the last 当第一成为最后

The turning shall begin 转弯应开始

歌词 The Turning 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-turning-1/

歌词 The Turning 的作者与版权信息:


Robin Leonard Trower


Secret Doors Music Ltd.