歌词 "The Ten Commandments Of Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Ten Commandments Of Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(One) Thou shalt never love another (一)你永不再爱别人

(Two) And stand by me all the while (二) ,站在我所有的,而

(Three) Take happiness with the heartache (三)采取的快乐与心痛

(Four) And go through love wearing a smile (四)并办理爱挂着笑容

Oh, how happy we will be if we keep the ten commandments of love 哦,多么幸福,我们会如果我们继续爱的十诫

Oh love 噢,爱

(Five) Thou shalt always have faith in me (五)你将永远也当信我

In everything I say and do 在所有我说的和做的

(Six) Love with all your heart and soul (六)爱与所有你的心脏和灵魂

Until our life on earth is through 直到我们的地球上的生命是通过

Oh how happy we will be if we keep the ten commandments of love 哦,多么幸福,我们会如果我们继续爱的十诫

Love, oh sweet love 爱,哦,甜蜜的爱情

It's oh, oh so grand 它的哦,哦,这么大

You will find since the beginning of time 你会发现,因为刚开始的时候

It has proved throughout all the land 它已被证明在所有的土地

(Seven) Come to me when I am lonely (七)到我这里来的时候我寂寞

(Eight) Kiss me when you hold me tight (八)吻我,当你抱紧我

(Nine) Treat me sweet and gentle (九)对待我甜美温柔

(Ten) When we say good night (十)当我们晚上说好

Oh, how happy we will be if we keep the ten commandments of love 哦,多么幸福,我们会如果我们继续爱的十诫

Oh, love 哦,爱

Oh, how happy we will be if we keep the ten commandments of love 哦,多么幸福,我们会如果我们继续爱的十诫

[Spoken] the ten commandments of love [口语]爱情十诫

歌词 The Ten Commandments Of Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-ten-commandments-of-love/