歌词 "The Return Of Jackie And Judy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Return Of Jackie And Judy



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Jackie is a punk, Judy is a runt 成龙是一个朋克,朱迪是个侏儒

They went down to the Mudd Club 他们就下到穆德俱乐部

And they both got drunk 他们都喝醉了

Oh-yeah 哦,是啊


Jackie is a bookie, Judy's taking loans 成龙是一个赌, Judy的回吐贷款

They both came up to New York 他们都来到了纽约

Just to see the Ramones 刚看到的雷蒙斯

Oh-yeah 哦,是啊


And oh, I don't know why she wrote that letter 哦,我不知道她为什么写那封信

Oh no, oh no 哦,不,哦,不

Oh I don't know why 哦,我不知道为什么

We won't forget her, oh no 我们不会忘记她,哦,不


Jackie's playing hooky 成龙的演奏逃学

Judy's playing pool Judy的打台球

They both got caught for cutting 他们都被抓住了切割

Got to go to summer school 得去暑期学校

Oh-yeah 哦,是啊


Jackie's scalping tickets 成龙的倒卖门票

Judy's getting harassed Judy的越来越骚扰

They both got kicked outside 他们两个都踢外

Didn't have a backstage pass 没有一个后台通行证

Oh-yeah 哦,是啊


And oh, I don't why she wrote that letter 呵呵,我不为什么她写的信,

Oh no, oh no 哦,不,哦,不

And oh, I don't know why, 哦,我不知道为什么,

Dont't know what's on her mind Dontt知道什么是在她的脑海里

I don't know, no, I don't know 我不知道,不,我不知道


But I can't stand to see her cryin' 但我无法忍受看到她哭泣

She's still cryin', she ain't tryin' 她还在哭泣,她不试着

She's going to get left behind 她会被甩在后面

Nobody wants you, nobody wants you 没有人想你,没有人要你

歌词 The Return Of Jackie And Judy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-return-of-jackie-and-judy-1/

歌词 The Return Of Jackie And Judy 的作者与版权信息:


Joey Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, Johnny Ramone


Taco Tunes, WB Music Corp.