歌词 "The Pocket Knife" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Pocket Knife


歌词相关歌手:PJ HARVEY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Please don't make my wedding dress 请不要让我的婚纱礼服

I'm too young to marry yet 我太年轻了,还没有结婚

Can you see my pocket knife? 你可以看到我的小刀?

You can't make me be a wife 你不能让我成为一个妻子

How the world just turns & turns 如何在世界上偏偏与转

How does anybody learn? 如何有谁了解?


Mummy, put your needle down 妈妈,把你的针下去

How did you feel when you were young? 你感觉如何时,你还年轻?

Cos I feel like I've just been born 因为我觉得我刚刚诞生

Even though I'm getting on 虽然我得到的

How the world slips by so fast 世界如何通过滑动如此之快


How does anybody last? 如何有谁持续多久?

As the world keeps coming 作为世界保持未来

And the bees keep humming 和蜜蜂嗡嗡不断

And I'll keep running 我会继续运行


Flowers I can do without 花的本人无能做

I don't wanna be tied down 我不想被束缚

White material will stain 白色物质会污染

My pocket knife's gotta shiny blade 我的小刀的得发亮的刀片

I'm not trying to cause a fuss 我并不想引起大惊小怪

I just wanna make my own fuck-ups 我只想做我自己他妈的起坐

I'm not trying to break your heart 我并不想打破你的心脏

I'm just trying not to fall apart 我只是想不让自己崩溃

歌词 The Pocket Knife 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-pocket-knife-1/

歌词 The Pocket Knife 的作者与版权信息:


Polly Jean Harvey


Hot Head Music Ltd.