歌词 "The Phone Call" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Phone Call



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This is a mercy mission 这是一个仁慈的使命

From a faceless messenger who don't wanna see you hit 从面目模糊的使者谁不想看你打

Here's the word, listen to it 这里的话,听吧

Somebody that you used to know is back in town 你用了就知道有人回来了

You better go 你最好去


This is a mercy mission 这是一个仁慈的使命

A voice you'll never hear again from a southside call box 一个声音,你会再一次从南边通话中从来没有听到

Winged demons are the hardest to outfox 翅魔是最难智胜

The same one you lost on the run 同一个你失去了在奔跑

Gonna show you that it ain't no fun 会告诉你,这不是没有乐趣


You better get out of town you're gonna get hit 你最好离开城市你会被击中

I didn't mean to get you... 我不是故意让你...


This is a mercy mission 这是一个仁慈的使命

You'll find your schedule underneath the door 你会发现你的时间表门下方

All of the arrangements have been made 所有已作出安排

Major expenses have been paid as you know 主要的费用已经支付,你知道

Don't forget the last details 不要忘了最后的细节

Accept no parcels in the mail 不接受包裹邮件

歌词 The Phone Call 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-phone-call-1/