歌词 "The Pharaohs" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Pharaohs


歌词相关歌手:CASE, NEKO

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You were married in the mirrored hall when I was 16 您结婚的镜像大厅时,我16岁

You spoke the words, "I love girls in white leather jackets" 你所说的话, “我爱的女孩在白色的皮夹克”

That was good enough for love, it was good enough for me 这是好足够的爱,这是配不上我


I listened in when you thought you were lost 我听的时候,你以为你失去了

Caught in those fangs on a tornado sprawl 夹在这些獠牙的龙卷风蔓延


Who knows what you know 谁知道你所知道的

I only heard what I wanted 我只听到我想要的东西

You said I was your blue, blue baby 你说我是你的蓝,蓝宝贝

And you were right 而你是对的

You said I was your blue, blue baby 你说我是你的蓝,蓝宝贝

And you were right 而你是对的


Wondered the halls of the nighttime 想知道夜间的殿堂

My body burned, my legs ached 我的身体烧了,我的腿疼痛难忍

But you never came to bed 但你永远不会来的床

You just left me there awake 你只给我留下有清醒


You kept me wanting wanting wanting 你让我想要想要想要

Like the wanting in the movies and the hymns 如想在电影和赞美诗

I want the pharaohs, but there's only men 我想要的法老,但只有男人

I want the pharaohs, but there's only men 我想要的法老,但只有男人


You said I was your new blue baby 你说我是你的新宝宝蓝

And you were right 而你是对的

You said I was your new blue baby 你说我是你的新宝宝蓝

And you were right 而你是对的

歌词 The Pharaohs 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-pharaohs/