歌词 "The Outlaws" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Outlaws



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

A harder ridin' bunch of outlaws no one ever saw 较硬坐车一群不法分子没有任何人看到

I don't recall the lawman that could match or beat the draw 我不记得这个执法官,可以匹配或超过平局

The rode the west, they fought the best 在乘坐西部,他们打的最好的

The never lost a fight 永不丢失的斗争

They did their hidin' in the daytime 他们在白天做他们头上的棒球帽“

Ridin' most at night 坐车的大部分在夜间


The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

They rode into Yuma on a hot September day 他们骑马到尤马在炎热的九月天

Hit the bank and got the gold and then they rode away 打银行,并获得金,然后他们扬长而去

The sheriff tried to stop 'em but he didn't really try 警长试图阻止时间,但他并没有真正尝试

The sheriff thought too much of life 警长没想太多生活

And he didn't wanna die 他没有想死


The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

The governor of the territory called the rangers in 该地区的总督叫流浪者

The rangers caught the outlaws and the fightin' did begin 护林员抓住了歹徒的争斗“也开始

For seven hours they fought and there were bodies all around 七小时,他们打了,到处都是尸体各地

Not one body of an outlaw lay upon the ground 不是一个非法的一具尸体躺在地上


The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

They only took the money that the rich got by their greed 他们只花了这笔钱,富人得到了他们的贪婪

And gave it to the ranchers who were desperately in need 并把它给了谁是迫切需要的牧场主

They'd ride into the poorest section of a border town 他们会坐成一个边陲小镇上最贫穷的部分

Evenly distributed to the poorest of the town 均匀地分布在最贫穷的小镇


The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

Maybe it was wrong to steal, but was it wrong to give? 也许是错的偷东西,但它给错了吗?

They took many chances so a friend in need might live 他们花了很多机会,让有需要的朋友不妨住

One by one they've gone but still there's one alive to tell 一个接一个,他们已经走了,但还是有一个人似的,告诉

The outlaws never failed to hear it when a friend would yell 不法分子从来没有听到它时,一个朋友就嚷嚷


The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin') 不法分子是commin “ ( commin ” , commin “ )

歌词 The Outlaws 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-outlaws/

歌词 The Outlaws 所在专辑及曲目:
  • 专辑年份:1996
  • 类别:compilation
El Paso
Cool Water
In The Valley
Running Gun
Big Iron
The Master's Call
The Little Green Valley
A Hundred And Sixty Acres
Billy The Kid
The Strawberry Roan
They're Hanging Me Tonight
Utah Carol
Saddle Tramp
She Was Young And She Was Pretty
The Streets Of Laredo
Little Joe The Wrangler
I've Got No Use For The Women
Bill Venero
This Peaceful Sod
Five Brothers
San Angelo
Ballad Of The Alamo
The Hanging Tree
Jimmy Martinez
Ghost Train
Song Of The Bandit
Prairie Fire
My Love
Ride Cowboy Ride
Red River Valley
The Bend In The River
When The Work's All Done This Fall
Abilene Rose
Dusty Winds
Old Red
Doggone Cowboy
The Red Hills Of Utah
Tall Handsome Stranger
The Fastest Gun Around
Man Walks Among Us
Johnny Fedavo
The Cowboy In The Continental Suit
Cry Stampede
Oh, Virginia
Meet Me Tonight In Laredo
Take Me Back To The Prairie
The Wind Goes
Feleena (From El Paso)
Never Tie Me Down
The Lonely Old Bunkhouse
Night Time On The Desert
Cottonwood Tree
Mr. Shorty
When It's Lamplighting Time In The Valley
Is There Anything Left I Can Say
Tonight Carmen
Waiting In Reno
The Mission In Guadalajara
Love's Gone Away
Bound For Old Mexico
Chapel Bells Chime
Don't Go Away Senor
In The Valley Of The Rio Grande
Girl With Gardenias In Her Hair
Spanish Lullaby
That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
Ghost Riders In The Sky
South Of The Border
The Ballad Of Bill Thaxton
Queen Of The Big Rodeo
Ava Maria Morales
The Outlaws
El Paso City
I'm Kin To The Wind
Trail Dreamin'
She's Just A Drifter
Way Out There
Ballad Of A Small Man
Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Pride And The Badge
All Around Cowboy
Restless Cattle
The Dreamer
Shotgun Rider
Political Incorrectness
Scrutinizer Postlude
Cowboys Like Us
Jose Campos Torres
Too Many Clues In This Room
No Show Jones
Dick In Dixie
Not Everybody Likes Us
Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)
Dancing In Heaven
We Fuckin'
Hey You Little Boo Ga Loo
Nobody's Diary
Fell In Love Without You
Goodbye Friend
Hey Jesus
It's Not True
Since Day One
We Can Start It All Over Again
See You In The Next One (Have A Good Time)
Leaving Trunk
Fresh Berries For You
No Intention
Let It Roll
Monkey's Paw
Far Away
歌词 The Outlaws 的作者与版权信息:


Marty Robbins


Mariposa Music Inc., Mariposa Music