歌词 "The National Anthem" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The National Anthem



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Lupe Fiasco] [卢佩惨败]

Your attention please, your attention I need it 您的关注请你注意我需要它

So I can sit you in a position from which I see it 所以,我可以坐在你的位置上,从我看到它

Where I'm seated is scenic 在那里,我是坐景区

Heavy-weighter, slim as the Machinist, so bulimic 重秤,超薄的机械师,所以暴食

Which means you somewhere in between it 这意味着你在什么地方它的

I take it back for you like the Wyld Stallyns of San Dimas 我带回来给你喜欢圣迪马斯的Wyld Stallyns

I'm in the market for low-mile 360 Modenas 我在市场上的低英里360 Modenas

And a good organic cleaners 和良好的有机清洁剂

My car always a winner 我的车总是赢家

Your car's always pitted 你的车总是进站

We should call it Stanley Steamers 我们应该把它叫做斯坦利蒸锅

Most of my friends in gangs 我的大部分帮派的朋友

My new nickname is gang is con/Ghengis Khan 我的新绰号是帮派是CON /成吉思汗

But without the 'Ye, but his last name's my side 但是,如果没有“叶,但他的姓氏是我的一面

I ride with the demeanors/the meanest 我骑的风度/最卑鄙

I'm armed to the teeth 我是武装到了牙齿

You're Venus and you've never been to the Dinas/dentist) 你是金星和你从来没有去过的迪纳斯/牙医)

School of Hard Knocks, I dean it 磨难学校,我是院长

I done it, as well as a celebrated alumnus 我就干了,还有一个著名的校友

I donate to the campus and my name's on the arenas 我捐的校园,我的名字是上赛场

But you can't bring it to my court not even with subpoenas 但你不能把它给我的法院甚至没有与传票

Cause you can't play my sport but you can still cheerlead us 因为你不能打我的运动,但你仍然可以拉拉队我们

And you can't sit there, that section's for the seniors 而且你不能坐在那里,那款的,对老年人

And the sexy senoritas so just move up to the bleachers 和性感senoritas所以才动起来的看台

How you going to school me when I grew up with your teachers 你怎么去上学我,当我长大了你的老师

I know that you can't hear me 我知道你听不到我的声音

Cause I blew up all the speakers 因为我鼓起了大家的发言

And the power line is hanging 和电力线是挂

Cause I threw up all the sneakers 因为我把所有的运动鞋

I ate up the imposters/pasta 我吃了骗子/面食

And I chewed through all the pizzas 我通过所有的比萨饼咀嚼

I blacked out with a black card 我昏了过去用黑卡

And I maxed out all the Visas 我刷爆了所有的签证

Accreditation so prestigious 认可这样久负盛名

Just walk across my stage 只是在我的舞台走

Your life will be completed 你的生活将完成

Don't need financial aid 不需要财政援助

Cause this is just some free shit 因为这是只是一些免费的狗屎

You been properly prepared 你已准备妥当

Throw your hats up in the air 把你的帽子在空中

I'm red hot, Chilly/Red Hot Chili, I'm Anthony Kiedis 我是红热,寒冷/红辣椒,我是安东尼Kiedis

My spirit smells teenage 我的灵魂气味少女

And Chi-town's feeling excellent 和智镇的感觉极好

We hit them with the President 我们打他们与总统

See we set the precedent 见我们开了先例

I don't feel I'm best 我不觉得我是最好的

I just feel I'm better than 我只是觉得我比好


[Chorus: Thom Yorke/Radiohead] [合唱:汤姆·约克/电台司令]

Everyone, everyone around here 每个人,每个人都在这里

Everyone is so near 每个人都那么近

So alone, so alone 如此孤独,如此孤独


[Lupe Fiasco] [卢佩惨败]

See I don't disagree 见我不同意

This is just a grievance 这仅仅是一个委屈

This ain't dissing 这不是瞧不起

This is civil disobedience 这是公民抗命

How you going to make hip-hop 你打算怎么做嘻哈

Without all the ingredients? 没有所有的成分?

Lot of mouths to feed 嘴地块喂

Plus a lot of greediness 再加上大量的贪

And that greed, outshines the neediness 而且贪婪,一枝独秀的neediness

What niggas need is some question they authority 什么黑鬼们需要的是一些问题,他们的权力

And tune out all the TV shit 并调出所有的电视狗屎

And we be this 我们是这样

So I give them more 所以我给他们更多

You see I did it for 你看,我这样做是为了


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Lupe Fiasco] [卢佩惨败]

Yeah, I am back up on the airwaves 是啊,我回来了的电波

Feeling like a Soldier and I ain't talking where the Bears play 感觉像一个战士,我是不是说那里的熊玩

Flair, look how I Fred Astaire down the staircases 风骚,看看弗雷德我怎么阿斯泰尔下楼梯

Fixing to be a hair-raising tortoise versus hare race 修复是一个惊心动魄的乌龟与兔子赛跑

So you should hang around here/hair like some earrings 所以,你应该在这里流连/毛像一些耳环

I know attention's all about how you pair things 我知道注意是所有关于你如何配对的事情

So when I want them to hear me out 所以,当我要他们听我说

I just sit them next to some pictures of Rosa splitting with her titties out 我只是坐在他们旁边,罗莎分裂的一些照片与她的titties出

And what's written on her titties is what it's really about ,什么是写在她的titties是它的的确确是

Then her vagina is some poor kids from China 然后,她的阴道是来自中国的一些贫困孩子

Nipples nuclear missiles 乳头核导弹

Ass is a daughter without a dad 驴是一个没有父亲女儿

Back is like Afghanistan, Iraq 背面是像阿富汗,伊拉克

Health care hair, drive-by thighs 医疗保健的头发,偷渡式大腿

Education lips, HIV eyes 教育的嘴唇,眼睛艾滋病

Environment feet 环境脚

Justice get her so wet, brains get you brains 法官让她这么湿,绞尽脑汁让你的大脑

You can fuck her if you protest 你可以他妈的她,如果你抗议

But before you bust in her face, finish listening to the tape 但在此之前,你在她脸上猛击,完成听磁带

Enemy of the State 国家公敌

歌词 The National Anthem 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-national-anthem-1/