歌词 "The Masquerade Is Over" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Masquerade Is Over



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Your eyes don't shine like they used to shine 你的眼睛不亮得像他们曾经大放异彩

And the thrill is gone when your lips meet mine 而没有了快感,当你的嘴唇见见我

I'm afraid the masquerade is over 我怕的是伪装过

And so is love, so is love 所以是爱,所以爱


Your words don't mean what they used to mean 你的话并不意味着他们用来指

They were once inspired, now they're just routine 他们曾经鼓舞,现在他们只是例行公事

I'm afraid the masquerade is over 我怕的是伪装过

And so is love, and so is love 所以是爱,所以爱


Guess I'll have to play Pagliacci 我想我得打丑角

And get myself a clown's disguise 并让自己一个小丑的伪装

Learn to laugh like Pagliacci 学会笑像丑角

With tears in my eyes 泪水在我眼中


You look the same, you're a lot the same 你看起来是一样的,你是有很多相同的

But my heart says, "No, no you're not the same" 但我的心脏说:“不,不,你不一样”

I'm afraid the masquerade is over 我怕的是伪装过

And so is love, so is love 所以是爱,所以爱


You look the same, you're a lot the same 你看起来是一样的,你是有很多相同的

But my heart says, "No, no you're not the same" 但我的心脏说:“不,不,你不一样”

I'm afraid the masquerade is over 我怕的是伪装过

And so is love, so is love 所以是爱,所以爱

歌词 The Masquerade Is Over 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-masquerade-is-over-2/

歌词 The Masquerade Is Over 的作者与版权信息:


Leon Russell, Onika Tanya Maraj


Chrysalis One Music Publishing Group Ireland, Money Mack Music, Songs Of Universal Inc., Embassy Music Corp., Embassy Music Corporation, Harajuku Barbie Music, Stuck On Music, BMG Rights Management (Ireland) Ltd.