歌词 "The Lyricist" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Lyricist



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

So what dem implying? 那么,数字高程模型暗示?

Di teacha haffi sing line? 二teacha haffi星行?

DJing nuh inna him mind? 打碟努赫茵他介意吗?

Cork up yuh nose fi di stink rhyme, A di king time, 科克达裕鼻子科幻迪臭味韵,二王的时候,

Mi wicked like St. James and Kingston and St. Catherine crime, 弥恶人,圣雅各福群和金士顿和圣凯瑟琳犯罪,

Roll out wid di shootas fi kill time, 推出WID二shootas网络消磨时间,

No boxers, Calvin Klein, 没有拳击手,卡尔文克莱恩,

Nuff bwoy waan get me out fi reach di big time, 这份厚礼bwoy waan让我离开网络覆盖二大的时候,

Mi sleep and wake up and dem still trying, 弥睡眠和唤醒和DEM仍在努力,

Yuh nuh have nuh patience?! 裕国大医院有国大医院的耐心?

Mash up yuh clock and try fi kill time, 混搭裕时钟,并尝试连接消磨时间,

But mi a: 但弥:

Still The Lyricist, Vocabulary Physicist, Melody Michelangelo weh paint da graphic images, 尽管如此作词,词汇物理学家,旋律米开朗基罗WEH画大的图形图像,

Get a condom fi yuh ears because da tune yah shot like syphilis, 获取安全套科幻裕的耳朵,因为大调呀出手如梅毒,

Weh di title? Aye gimmi dis! 韦二题?埃gimmi存款保险计划!

Empire is di wickediss, 帝国是二wickediss ,

I'm da baller and the manager, 我是大控球和经理,

Alex Ferguson and Bibby dis, 弗格森和毕比DIS ,

Mi stay in front like Genesis, Yes 宓留在前面像创世纪,是

Who waan fi penny dis? Guess 谁waan科幻一分钱存款保险计划?猜想

Mi find di metaphors weh Jay-Z and Biggie miss, 弥发现二隐喻WEH Jay-Z和小姐不算什么,

And chaw dem up like WinterFresh and spit dem out like Wrigleys, 并彻底打败马克像WinterFresh吐马克出像箭牌,

Mi hot mi touch green grass mek it ketch fyah, 宓热英里触摸绿草MEK是双桅FYAH ,

Sum bwoy nuh thugz mi see thru dem like mesh wire, 总和bwoy努赫thugz英里见通DEM像网线,

Yes Iyah! dem license expire, 是的Iyah ! DEM许可证到期,

Mi rub dem out like mi Benz tire, 宓擦马克出像MI奔驰轮胎,

Mi meds higha dan Angel pon heaven's wire, 弥吃药higha丹天使PON天上的电线,

Burn dem wit di hell's fyah, 烧伤马克机智迪地狱的FYAH ,

Wah prostitute and virgin have in common? Empire! 华妓女和处女有什么共同点?帝国!

Dem waan come inna mi bed fi cool da temper yah, 数字高程模型waan来茵英里床科幻酷哒脾气呀,

Dem enter yah, dem linger here, 民主党进入呀,马克在这里流连忘返,

Junky gyal, needle and syringe a wear, 毫无价值gyal ,针头和注射器磨损,

Christian gyal? Ginger beer, 基督教gyal ?姜汁啤酒,

Rasta gyal we injure here. 拉斯塔gyal伤害我们这里。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Mi FlOW like di town cable, 弥渗流像二索镇,

Its no fable, 其无寓言,

No knights of di round table, 二圆桌骑士号,

Tell Adam and Eve and Cain say mi doan Able, 告诉亚当和夏娃,该隐则说,心肌梗死再碰到能,

Dem bwoy deh tek mi style yet dem so brazen, DEM的bwoy DEH TEK英里的风格又使DEM厚颜无耻,

But Russian, 但是,俄罗斯,

Mi FlOW like di town cable, 弥渗流像二索镇,

Its no fable, 其无寓言,

No knights of di round table, 二圆桌骑士号,

Di bwoy dem bite mi style yet dem so craven, 二bwoy DEM咬英里的风格又使DEM懦夫,

dem come in like di big fat gyal dem so Raven. DEM进来像二大胖子gyal DEM所以乌鸦。


Mi a di Portmore pioneer, 糜二波特莫尔先锋,

Mi an mi ooman deh fi 9 year, 宓DEH网络9年一英里ooman ,

Nuh try dat my dear bout me an you mek a nice pair, 国大医院试试DAT亲爱的回合我的人民圣战者组织你一双很漂亮,

Tek my advice dear get it outta yuh head like lice here, TEK我建议各位把它失控裕头上的虱子一样在这里,

Mi luvin har forever if life spare, 弥luvin HAR如果永远生活备用,

Yuh doan know mi Afghanistan yuh only know mi Times Square, 裕杜安知道英里阿裕才知道mi时代广场,

Yuh see me inna di Benz changing 5 gear, 裕见我茵迪奔驰变5档,

A drink Street Vybz like its Lite Beer, 喝了点酒街Vybz喜欢它的精简版啤酒,

On private jets mi fly Leer, 私人飞机英里飞阅读,

Adis nuh Nike Air, ADIS努赫耐克,

Mi skin paint up like bike flare, 糜皮漆像自行车耀斑,

Dat a di easy street, Yuh know da Elm street? 逸二街方便,裕知道大榆树街?

Di nightmare, 迪噩梦,

Di days when mi used to take di bus and cyan find fare, 迪天的时候英里用来拍摄双总线和青色发现票价,

Just log off wid yuh virus mi have spyware, 只是注销WID裕病毒英里有间谍软件,

The way mi brain fertile, America wah invade an drill fi oil here, 顺便英里脑肥沃,美华入侵的科幻钻油在这里,

Aye Consi dem bwoy deh nuh fancy, 埃Consi DEM的bwoy DEH国大医院看中,

Dem a Anansi, DEM à ANANSI ,

Mi lyrics wear dem out like a gangsy, 宓歌词穿DEM出像gangsy ,

Dem shame inna di crowd an every man see, DEM的耻辱茵迪人群的每一个男人看,

Dem fans give dem thumbs down, DEM的球迷给马克大拇指朝下,

Mi a thugs and dem a Bugs Bunny. 弥暴徒几步投一个兔八哥。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Mi FlOW like di town cable, 弥渗流像二索镇,

Its no fable, 其无寓言,

No knights of di round table, 二圆桌骑士号,

Tell Adam and Eve and Cain say mi doan Able, 告诉亚当和夏娃,该隐则说,心肌梗死再碰到能,

Dem bwoy deh tek mi style yet dem so brazen, DEM的bwoy DEH TEK英里的风格又使DEM厚颜无耻,

But Russian, 但是,俄罗斯,

Mi FlOW like di town cable, 弥渗流像二索镇,

Its no fable, 其无寓言,

No knights of di round table, 二圆桌骑士号,

Di bwoy dem bite mi style yet dem so craven, 二bwoy DEM咬英里的风格又使DEM懦夫,

dem come in like di big fat gyal dem so Raven. DEM进来像二大胖子gyal DEM所以乌鸦。


Aye Russian 俄埃

Dem fi know dis is not a throw word song to some Queers and dem gangs fi dem build some mediocre counteraction songs. Naw its just a reminder to the fans, to the One Order, to the Clans, that Vybz Kartel can still drop his lyrical bombs!.....Mi FLOW like di town cable...... 马克科幻知道DIS是不是丢字歌的一些男同性恋者和DEM团伙网络数字高程模型建立一些平庸的反动歌曲。瑙它只是一个提醒球迷,在一个秩序,氏族,即Vybz木床仍然可以放弃他的抒情炸弹! .....弥流像二索镇......

歌词 The Lyricist 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-lyricist/

歌词 The Lyricist 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
12 Gauge
4 Star
Anything A Anything
Baby Father
Baby Let's Go
Bad Reputation
Ball Fi Bun
Beg You A Fuck
Bring It To Me
Calabria Remix
Clarks Again
Come Tek Cocky
Dem A No Gangster
Dem Bwoy Ah Baby
Dem Nuh Like Wi
Dirty Diana (Dutty Angela Remix)
Domestic Affair 2nd Chapter
Don't Run (Last Man Standing)
Duggu Duggu
Dumpa Truck
Dutty Wine
Faggot Correction
Fling It Pon Di Left
Foot Pan Shoulder
Four Seasons
Gal A Weh Mi Duh Yuh
Gaza Christmas
Gaza Commandments
Gaza Nuh Bore Tongue
Get Gal Anywhere
Give Thanks
Go Fi Dem Anyweh
Grab Up Yuh Crotches
Haffi Bleed
Haffi Come Back
High Altitude
Hop Off
Horny And Proud
How Yuh Proud
I'm Missing You Alot
Inna Sky
It Tight Eeh
Just Wine
Kartel Reveal It
Kill Dem All & Done
Killing Street
Know Bout Me
Kuff Kaff Kweff
Laugh & Shot Dem
Life Sweet Remix
Like A Jockey
Like Christmas
Lolli Pop Riddim Nuh Lick
Love Dem
Love Don't Lie
Mek Mi Tape It
Mi Nah
Mi Talk With Gun Shot
Million By A Morning
Money On Scale
Money Over War
Money Pon Mi Mind
Money Tree
More Pussy Fi Di Money
Move Ya Body
My Everything
My Mama
My Scheme
My Senorita
Nah Climb
Nah Hold We Down
Nah Lef
Never Love Another
Never See A Gyal Weh Mi Love So Much
Never Turn A Raper
No Dutty Panty
No Man
No Milkshake
No Wild Grain
Not A Love Song
Nuh Badda Try
Nuh Batty Ting
Nuh Fraid
Nuh Permission
Nuh War Wid Knife
On And On
One Man
Open Up
Picture Me And You
Poor People Land
Pop It Off
Proper English
Say Weh Yuh Feel Fi Say
School Anthem
School Bus
See A Man U Want
Send A Hell
Send Fi Di Magazine
Send Fi Mi Army
Sex & The City
She Kno Fi
She So Pretty
She Tell Me
Slow Motion
Smoking Every Day
Song Writer
Stop Gwan Like Yuh Tuff
Street Vybz Rum
Stress Free
Sumaddy Affi Bawl
Swear To Jah
Take Me Life
Teenage Pregnancy
Tell Him A Lie
Tell You Say
Ten Stage A Evil
The Lyricist
Tic, Toc
Tightest Punnany
Toilet Paper Bownty
Too Fucky Fucky
Trailer Load A Money
Tun Up The Fuck
Warn Dem Counteraction
Weed Smokers
Weh Dat Fah
Weh Dem Feel Like
Weh Di Gal
When Since
Whine Fi Me
Why You Doing It (Part 2)
Wine Pon Yuh
Wine Up Yuh Body
Wine Yuh Body
You And Him Fuck
Your Pussy Tight
Yuh Whine Have Value
Knowledge Reigns Supreme
NY Weather Report
Friends & Family
Ch Ching (Cheque 1 2) (Remix)
Go Head
Hoods Run Down
I Need A Beat
(NFA) No Frontin Allowed
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36