歌词 "The Last To Know" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Last To Know



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Where it grows on trees 它长在树上

But never blooms 但从来没有绽放

Where it hurts the least for whoever 它伤害了至少谁

Saw it first 第一次看到它


First to go and the last to know 第一次去,最后一个知道


Lasts longer than a lifetime 持续时间超过了一辈子

Takes the least amount of effort 需要最少的努力

Feels better than a bargain 感觉比便宜的好

Just to know it's there 只知道它的存在


Can't you see 你没看见

There's only one me 这里只有一个我

And that me is me 那我就是我


I know where but I cannot share 我知道在哪里,但我不能分享

You'll call me - I'll stand in line till then 你会打电话给我 - 我会排队到那时

I'll be waiting 我会等待


Can't you see 你没看见

All circuits are busy 所有电路都很忙

Please try back again 请再试一次

歌词 The Last To Know 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-last-to-know-1/

歌词 The Last To Know 的作者与版权信息:


Bill Gould, Michael Allen Patton, Michael Andrew Bordin


Give Us Our Publishing, Big Thrilling Music