歌词 "The Last Time" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Last Time



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Once was a time you and I 曾经有一段时间你和我

Made a promise till the day we die 作出承诺,直到我们死去的那天

I trusted each and every word 我信任每一个字

Never thinking that I'd get burned 千万不要以为我会引火烧身

Silly me I believed in your fairy tales 傻傻的我,我相信你的童话

Boy I thought that I knew you so very well 男孩,我还以为我不知道你那么好

But you walked on my pride all the tears that I cried 但你走了我的所有的骄傲,我哭了,眼泪

And it cuts like a knife 它如刀割


[Hook"] [钩“]

It's the last time you're ever gonna kiss these lips 这是最后一次你曾经要去亲吻这些嘴唇

Or ever will deceive these eyes 或将这些欺骗眼睛

Believe me when I tell you this 相信我,当我告诉你这

Baby boy it's the last time 男婴这是最后一次

I'm ever gonna cry these tears 我永远会哭泣的眼泪

I'm never gonna hear your lies 我绝不会听你的谎言

So listen while I make it clear 所以,听,而我要说清楚

In case you didn't hear 如果你没有听说

This time's the last time 这一次是最后一次

There's no time 有没有时间

To give it one more try 给它一次机会

There's only time to say goodbye 这里只有时间说再见


Fooled me once shame on you 愚弄我一次,可耻的是你

Fooled me twice now this song is through 骗了我两次,现在这首歌是通过

The things you said I can never forget 你说的事情我永远不能忘记

The things you did fill my heart with regret 的事情,你没有遗憾填满我的心脏

But I'm still standing tall as I walk away 但我仍然站在高高的,因为我走开

And you know that it's true when you hear me say 而你知道,当你听到我说的是真的

It's over, it's through, 它已经结束了,它的通过,

Ain't a thing you can do boy, its' sad but it's true 是不是你可以做的男孩,其“悲哀的事,但它是真实的


[Hook:] [钩: ]

It's the last time you're ever gonna kiss these lips 这是最后一次你曾经要去亲吻这些嘴唇

Or ever will deceive these eyes 或将这些欺骗眼睛

Believe me when I tell you this 相信我,当我告诉你这

Baby boy it's the last time 男婴这是最后一次

I'm ever gonna cry these tears 我永远会哭泣的眼泪

I'm never gonna hear your lies 我绝不会听你的谎言

So listen while I make it clear 所以,听,而我要说清楚

In case you didn't hear 如果你没有听说

This time's the last time 这一次是最后一次

There's no time 有没有时间

To give it one more try 给它一次机会

There's only time to say goodbye 这里只有时间说再见


Good Bye No Baby 再见,不,宝贝

Silly me I believed in your fairy tales 傻傻的我,我相信你的童话

Boy I thought that I knew you so very well 男孩,我还以为我不知道你那么好

But you walked on my pride all the tears that I cried 但你走了我的所有的骄傲,我哭了,眼泪

And it cuts... like a knife 它削减......像一把刀


[Hook:] [钩: ]

It's the last time you're ever gonna kiss these lips (ever gonna kiss these lips) 这是最后一次你曾经要去亲吻这些嘴唇(永远要去亲吻这些嘴唇)

Or ever will deceive these eyes 或将这些欺骗眼睛

Believe me when I tell you this 相信我,当我告诉你这

Baby boy it's the last time 男婴这是最后一次

I'm ever gonna cry these tears 我永远会哭泣的眼泪

I'm never gonna hear your lies (never gonna hear your lies) 我绝不会听你的谎言(永远不会听到你的谎言)

So listen while I make it clear 所以,听,而我要说清楚

In case you didn't hear 如果你没有听说

This time's the last time 这一次是最后一次

There's no time 有没有时间

To give it one more try 给它一次机会

It's over, it's through 它已经结束了,这是通过

Ain't a thing you can do but wonder why 是不是你可以做,但不知道为什么事

There's only time to say goodbye 这里只有时间说再见


Baby goodbye 宝贝再见

Never gonna, never gonna cry no more 永远不会,永远不会哭没有更多

Goodbye, goodbye 再见,再见

歌词 The Last Time 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-last-time-23/

歌词 The Last Time 的作者与版权信息:


Carl Allen Sturken, Mark David Hollis, Evan A. Rogers


Bayjun Beat Music, Songs Of Universal Inc., Hollis Songs Ltd.