歌词 "The Grievances Of The People" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Grievances Of The People



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Scene 3 "The Grievances of the People"] [场景3 “人民的不满”]



The sparrow, bedraggled, looks up through the rain 麻雀,浑身脏兮兮的,查过雨

And dreams of a little more grain 多一点粮食梦想

The peacock, plump in his place in the sun 孔雀,丰满他在阳光的地方

Ignores the sound of the distant guns 忽略了遥远的枪炮声

Their thunder falls upon deaf ears 他们的风头落在聋子的耳朵

The peacock never sniffs the air 孔雀永远嗅着空气

He fails to see that a starvation diet brings 他没有看到饥饿疗法带来的

The scent of riot on the breeze 骚乱在微风的香味

The King; The State; La France 国王;国家;拉法

Each of the above must with regret cut off all payment 上述每一个必须遗憾地切掉所有付款

The cupboard is bare 橱柜是光秃秃

The State of France lies in disrepair 法国国家处于失修



The Bishops hide the grain; to the attics it's sent 主教隐藏的粮食;在阁楼它发送

If everyone is hungry, tell me, who can be content? 如果每个人都饿了,告诉我,谁又能知足?



Altogether now! 总之吧!



We hand out pamphlets, we join a club 我们伸手小册子,我们加入一个俱乐部

We shout out slogans that we make up 我们喊出来的口号,我们做了

We thumb our noses, at those above 我们的拇指我们的鼻子,在上述

We hand out pamphlets, we join a club 我们伸手小册子,我们加入一个俱乐部



We join a club, a safety net 我们加入一个俱乐部,一个安全网

But it's more like a gin trap that's been carefully set 但它更像是经过精心设置的陷阱杜松子酒



We write what we can on the cow's flayed hide 我们写什么,我们可以在牛的皮剥皮

Our grievances are noted and then brushed to one side 我们的怨气都注意到,然后刷到一边

But the pain we feel keeps us alive 但我们感到痛苦使我们活着



Bushes and bones and sticks and stones 灌木和骨骼,棍棒和石头


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Now, then, women and men 现在,那么,女性和男性



In Manosque the bishops get what they deserve 在马诺斯克主教们得到他们应得的

Stoned to death and we retrieve the grain from their reserves 用石头砸死,我们检索他们的储备粮食



We plunder all the bakeries 我们掠夺所有的面包店


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Searching for our courage in... 搜索我们的勇气......


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

Searching for our courage in... 搜索我们的勇气......



Searching for our courage in... 搜索我们的勇气......



...this folly ......这愚蠢

歌词 The Grievances Of The People 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-grievances-of-the-people/

歌词 The Grievances Of The People 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Ça Ira》
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 类别:album
A Garden In Vienna 1765
Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette / The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
Lovely People
Get So Fly
Night People
MKLVFKWR (Make Love, Fuck War)
Follow Me
Keep The Change
All Delighted People (Classic Rock Version)
Crazy Toones 4 President
Another Day In The System
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36