歌词 "The Ghost Of The Mountain" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Ghost Of The Mountain



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The foot crunched snow 脚下嘎吱嘎吱的雪

And there's a lifetime in the space between your steps 还有的在你的脚步间的空间一生

You weren't to know 你不知道的

I was ending as you stole out in the white 我结束你的白偷了

Your final kiss 你最后的吻

Is a ghost upon my lips upon my eyes 是在我的眼睛在我的嘴唇鬼

A pale blue sky 淡蓝色的天空

Hangs like a sad remainder of the sum of us 挂像我们这样的总和的悲哀余

If I'm ready for the next world then 如果我准备好了下一个世界然后

I'm ready for the deepest earth 我已经准备好了地球最深处

If there's a magic in the after 如果有一个神奇的在后

it'll never beat the sight of you 它永远不会打你的视线


It'll never beat the sight of you 它永远不会打你的视线


I'm not a man 我不是一个人

I'm just a shadow just a fragment just a ghost 我只是一个影子只是一个片段只是一个鬼

The best of me 我的最好的

It was never quite the best that you deserved 这是从来没有想象中的那么你应得最好的

You are the start 您是开始

But you're the sweetest bitter end 但你是最甜蜜的苦涩结束

I could of hoped for 我也希望

Don't look for me 不要找我

Just keep your blue eyes on the road away from here 只要保持你的蓝眼睛的道路上离开这里

歌词 The Ghost Of The Mountain 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-ghost-of-the-mountain/

歌词 The Ghost Of The Mountain 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Lightbody


Universal Music Publishing Bl Ltd.