歌词 "The Gathering Of The Clouds" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Gathering Of The Clouds



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Searched the whole world 找遍了整个世界

Found I can't compare 发现我不能比较


(But we're here 'cause we're here (不过,我们在这里,因为我们在这里

We're here 'cause we're here) 我们在这里,因为我们在这里)

Searched the whole night long 搜索了整整一夜长

(And there's nothing to fear (并没有什么可怕的

No, there's nothing to fear) 没有,有什么好怕的)


(But we're here cause we're here (不过,我们在这里的原因,我们在这里

We're here 'cause we're here) 我们在这里,因为我们在这里)

Found out what's been going wrong 发现了什么已经持续错

(And there's nothing to fear (并没有什么可怕的

No, there's nothing to fear) 没有,有什么好怕的)


Time is not what it would seem 时间是不是又好像什么

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

The life we live is like a dream 我们居住的生活就像一场梦

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

Release belief, let it wash over me 发行信仰,让它洗着我

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

Let love reveal what I feel 让爱揭示了什么,我觉得

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

What I feel, what I feel, what I feel 我觉得,我的感觉,我的感觉


Searched the whole world 找遍了整个世界

(Fight for what you believe in (争取你所相信的

Dare to live your dream 敢住你的梦想

In this life don't be afraid of yourself 这辈子不要害怕自己

Don't be afraid) 不要怕)

Found I can't compare 发现我不能比较

(Fight for what you believe in (争取你所相信的

Dare to live your dream 敢住你的梦想

In this life don't be afraid of yourself 这辈子不要害怕自己

Don't be afraid) 不要怕)


Searched the whole night long 搜索了整整一夜长

(Fight for what you believe in (争取你所相信的

Dare to live your dream 敢住你的梦想

In this life don't be afraid of yourself 这辈子不要害怕自己

Don't be afraid) 不要怕)

Found out what's been going wrong 发现了什么已经持续错

(Fight for what you believe in (争取你所相信的

Dare to live your dream 敢住你的梦想

In this life don't be afraid of yourself 这辈子不要害怕自己

Don't be afraid) 不要怕)


Time is not what it would seem 时间是不是又好像什么

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

The life we live is like a dream 我们居住的生活就像一场梦

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

Release belief, let it wash over me 发行信仰,让它洗着我

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

Let love reveal what I feel 让爱揭示了什么,我觉得

(All that I've seen, all that I feel (所有我见过的,所有的,我觉得

All I could be, is happening to me) 所有我能得到,是发生在我身上)

What I feel, what I feel, what I feel 我觉得,我的感觉,我的感觉

歌词 The Gathering Of The Clouds 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-gathering-of-the-clouds/

歌词 The Gathering Of The Clouds 的作者与版权信息:


Daniel Cavanagh


Imagem London Ltd.