歌词 "The Faster The Treadmill" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Faster The Treadmill



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sun goes down, sun comes up 太阳下山,太阳升起

Days can drown in a plastic cup 天能在塑料杯中被淹死

In this town 在这个小镇

In this town 在这个小镇


Don't know how, don't know when 不知道怎么回事,不知道什么时候

Something came but it left again 发生什么事了,但再次离开

And I'm down 和我下来

On this town 在这个小镇


'Cause no matter what I see “原因不管是什么喔

People love to disagree 人们喜欢不同意


Every time I say what I want to be 每次我说我想成为

Someone says that's not how it's going to be 有人说,这不是它是如何将是

Come on, baby, quit your dreaming 来吧,宝贝,退出你的梦

Grab your things, the train is leaving 抢你的东西,列车离开

Time to pick that somewhere you want to go 时间来接你想要去的地方

Get there quick or drown in the undertow 那里快或淹没在暗潮

Come on baby, time is wasting 来吧,宝贝,时间被浪费

Choose a wheel and get to racing 选择一个车轮,并获得赛车


Sun goes up and down again 太阳上升,并再次下调

Hard to stop feeling broken in 很难停下来的感觉在破

And worn down 而拖垮

By this town 这个小镇


All the same 所有相同

You find me here 你找我来这里

Placing blame and escaping fear and self-doubt 把责任和逃避恐惧和自我怀疑

And this town 而这个小镇


But no matter where I go 但无论我走到哪里

People love to tell me, "No" 人们喜欢告诉我, “不”


Every time I say what I want to be 每次我说我想成为

Someone says that's not how it's going to be 有人说,这不是它是如何将是

Come on, baby, quit your dreaming 来吧,宝贝,退出你的梦

Grab your things, the train is leaving 抢你的东西,列车离开

Time to pick that somewhere you want to go 时间来接你想要去的地方

Get there quick or drown in the undertow 那里快或淹没在暗潮

Come on, baby, time is wasting 来吧,宝贝,时间被浪费

Choose a wheel and get to racing 选择一个车轮,并获得赛车


Every time I say what I want to be 每次我说我想成为

Someone says that's not how it's going to be 有人说,这不是它是如何将是

Come on baby, quit your dreaming 来吧,宝贝,退出你的梦

Grab your things, the train is leaving 抢你的东西,列车离开

And if you feel like nobody understands 如果你觉得没有人能理解

You just smile and pray that they clap their hands 你只是微笑,并祈祷他们鼓掌

Come on, baby, drown your sorrow 来吧,宝贝,淹没你的悲伤

Work today and live tomorrow 今天的工作和生活的明天

Time to pick that somewhere you want to go 时间来接你想要去的地方

Get there quick or drown in the undertow 那里快或淹没在暗潮

Come on baby, time is wasting 来吧,宝贝,时间被浪费

Choose a wheel and get to racing 选择一个车轮,并获得赛车

歌词 The Faster The Treadmill 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-faster-the-treadmill/

歌词 The Faster The Treadmill 的作者与版权信息:


Brian Kenig Mazzaferri


Sophic Publishing, WB Music Corp.