歌词 "The End Of The Lyin'" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The End Of The Lyin'



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You took me for a fool 你把我当傻瓜

Then you took me for a ride 然后,你带我兜风

You really had me going 你真的让我去

Till I looked into your lies 直到我看着你的谎言

I let you keep me hangin' on 我让你让我犹豫不决,对

But honey, here's where I get off 但是,亲爱的,这就是我下车

It's the end of the lyin' 它是说谎的端部

And I can't stand no more denyin' 我不能忍受没有更多denyin “

It's all over but the cryin' 这一切都结束了,但在哭泣

Honey it's the end of the line 蜜它的线的端部

Don't tell me a story 不要告诉我一个故事

I don't care where you've been 我不在乎你去过的地方

Girl, I'm out for glory 女孩,我出了光彩

And I won't be back again 我不会再回来

I let you keep me hangin' on 我让你让我犹豫不决,对

But honey, here's where I get off 但是,亲爱的,这就是我下车

It's the end of the lyin' 它是说谎的端部

And I can't stand no more denyin' 我不能忍受没有更多denyin “

It's all over but the cryin' 这一切都结束了,但在哭泣

Honey, it's the end of the line 蜂蜜,它的线的端

It's the end of the lyin' 它是说谎的端部

And I can't stand no more denyin' 我不能忍受没有更多denyin “

It's all over but the cryin' 这一切都结束了,但在哭泣

Honey, it's the end 亲爱的,这是结束

It's the end of the lyin' 它是说谎的端部

And I can't stand no more denyin' 我不能忍受没有更多denyin “

It's all over but the cryin' 这一切都结束了,但在哭泣

Honey, it's the end of the line... 亲爱的,这是该行的结束...

歌词 The End Of The Lyin' 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-end-of-the-lyin_/

歌词 The End Of The Lyin' 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Bellarmine Byrne, David Alan Schulman


Universal Music - Mgb Songs, Universal Music - Careers