歌词 "The End" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The End



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

That’ll be the end of the road, 这将是路的尽头,

when my battered, embittered 当我焦头烂额,苦

body and soul will go home. 身体和灵魂会回家。


That’ll be the end of the war, 这将是战争的结束,

when we finally lay down 当我们终于放下

the barrel and the blade and go home. 筒和叶片和回家。


By the sea, so wide and treacherous, 在海边,那么宽的山崖,

by the land, so dark and dangerous, 通过土地,如此黑暗和危险,

how can we have so far to go? 我们怎么能有这么长的路要走?


That’ll be the end of the law, 那将是法律的结束,

of Bible, Koran, Torah, lost and gone. 圣经,可兰经,诵读经文,丢失了。


And the sea, so wide and treacherous, 和大海,那么宽的山崖,

and the land, so dark and dangerous, 与土地,如此黑暗和危险,

how can we have so far to go? 我们怎么能有这么长的路要走?


That’ll be the end of arms stretched wide, 这将是全伸展双臂年底,

of begging for bread, of emptiness inside. 内乞讨空虚的面包。


And the sea, so wide and treacherous, 和大海,那么宽的山崖,

and the land, so dark and dangerous, 与土地,如此黑暗和危险,

so far left behind. 所以远远甩在身后。


That’ll be the end of the war, 这将是战争的结束,

when we finally lay down 当我们终于放下

the barrel and the blade and go home. 筒和叶片和回家。

歌词 The End 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-end-1/