歌词 "The Devil Went Down To Jamaica" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Devil Went Down To Jamaica



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The Devil went to Jamaica 魔界去了牙买加

He was looking to sell some weed 他一直在寻找出售一些杂草

He was doin' fine, they were standing in line 他上来的罚款,他们排队

It was excellent weed indeed 它是优秀的除草的确

He came across a young man who was likewise peddling pot 他遇到了一个年轻人谁也同样兜售锅

And the devil slid down the beach and said "boy let me tell you what, 魔滑下海滩,说:“孩子,让我来告诉你吧,

I guess you kinda figured I'm a reefer head of course 我猜你有点想通,我当然是冷藏头部

And after all this time, I guess that I'm a conessuire of sorts 而这一切的时间之后,我想我是各种各样的conessuire

Now your stuff smells ok, but this can tranquilize a hourse 现在,你的东西闻起来不错,但这样可以安神à心爱的马

I bet a million in cash against your satsh that mines better then yours." 我打赌一百万的现金对你satsh地雷更好,然后你的“ 。

The boy said my names Johnny and you ain't smoked nothing yet 男孩说我的名字约翰尼,你不熏还没有

One hit of this grass'll kick your ass, you got yourself a bet." 此一击grassll踢你的屁股,你拥有属于自己的赌注。 “


Johnny role a ball of hash and make sure its the bomb 约翰尼的角色散的球,并确保其弹

Cause the devils got the kinda stuff they smoke in vietnam 原因鬼子得到了还挺东西,他们在越南吸烟

You'll get a million smackaroos in cash if you can cope 你会得到一百万smackaroos的现金,如果你能应付

But if you cant the devil gets your dope 但是,如果你不能魔鬼得到您的原液


The devil packed a bong with a little ockopoco gold 恶魔装奉一点点ockopoco金

And rosin flew from his fingertips as he fired up his bowl 和松香从他的指尖飞了,因为他解雇了他的碗

He filled that chamber all the way and he took a mighty hit 他充满了室内所有的方式,他花了强大的打击

And as they passed it back and forth it gave them both a coughing fit 而当他们经过来回它给了他们两个咳嗽配合


When the bowl was finished Johnny said hey man that stuff was great 当碗里结束约翰尼说,嗨,哥们说的东西是伟大的

But fill your lungs with some of this and prepare to vegetate 但充满你的肺与一些这方面的,准备种植树木


Cannibas and bevis sweet mary jane Cannibas和贝维斯甜蜜的玛丽珍

The devils in the back yard frying his brain 在后院炒了他的大脑鬼子

Zig zag filled with a diggidy dank 之字形充满diggidy潮湿

Hold on tight it'll hit you like a tank 抓紧了,它会打你像坦克


The devil nodded off because he knew that he was stoned 魔鬼点头答应下来,因为他知道他被人投掷石块

And he asked if he could buy an ounce of the stuff that Johnny owned 他问他是否可以买约翰尼拥有的东西,一盎司

Johnny said devil just come on back if you ever want to catch a buzz 约翰尼说,魔鬼只是快点回来,如果你想赶上时髦

I done told you once you son of a bitch mines the best there ever was 我做告诉你,一旦你的狗娘养的地雷儿子的最好曾经有过


Fired up duvais one by one 发射了duvais一一

Aint gonna stop till the bags done 是不是要去阻止,直到完成包装袋

Green as a bull frog sticky as glue 绿色的牛蛙粘胶水

Granny do you get high yes I do. 老太做你高是我做的。

歌词 The Devil Went Down To Jamaica 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-devil-went-down-to-jamaica/

歌词 The Devil Went Down To Jamaica 所在专辑及曲目:
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Flex 36