歌词 "The Dead Skin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Dead Skin



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's me I hate, not you at all 这是我,我恨的,不是你的全部

I am my own medicine, 我是我自己的药,

Turned into a poison 变成了毒药


I think I gave you a lot, 我想我给了你很多,

And not enough... I know 而没有足够的...我知道

Tortured myself, same as you, 折磨自己,和你一样,

Without losing my sanity. 而不会失去我的理智。

Where's my applause? 哪里是我的掌声?


I see no reason to live in Hell. 我认为没有理由活在地狱。

How can life make me feel so incomplete? 如何生活让我觉得如此不完整?


I had a weakness and my walls came down 我有一个弱点,我的心墙倒下

My tears won't reach the ground 我的眼泪不会到达地面

Burn my new wound 烧我的新伤口


I know I cannot feel regret for anything 我知道我不能感到后悔的事情

If I was numb, I'd end this once and for all 如果我是麻木了,我会一劳永逸结束这

I feel the burn, still... 我觉得烧,还是......


I cannot face this day, my guards are down 我无法面对这一天,我的卫兵下降

I cannot love myself... weak, sad clown 我不能爱自己......软弱,悲伤的小丑


I see myself, my fading color 我看到我自己,我的颜色褪色

I see no hope there... Where I always used to... 我看没希望了那里...如果我一直用...


I fear your words, the things they mirror 我怕你的话,他们反映的事情

Maybe that is all I am, just a reflection... please help me.. 也许这就是我的全部,只是一个反思......请帮助我..


I see no reason to live in Hell 我认为没有理由活在地狱

When you smile, you make me feel incomplete 当你微笑,你让我觉得不完全


But it's all ending, the clock's rewinding 但是这一切都结束时,时钟的复卷

We don't mean anything to me. You think? 我们不是说什么给我。您认为?

I killed this silence for us to make things right 我杀了这种沉默,我们做出正确的事情

The words are loaded. 这句话被加载。


Once connected, 一旦连接成功,

One torso, one head 一个躯干,一个头

One solid reason, the pain... 一个坚实的理由,痛苦...

If love's the neck, kept us together, and apart... 如果爱情是颈部,使我们在一起,分开...

Now it's broken... 现在是坏...


There is no cast, no real salvation 有没有投,没有真正的救赎

When it is broken, it will stay that way 当它被打破,它就会保持下去

Believe me when I say this 相信我,当我说这

I would not if I did not care 我不会,如果我不在乎


Tears don't mean anything 眼泪并不代表什么

If we don't know when we're sorry 如果我们不知道什么时候我们很抱歉

No one will win today we can't play this game... this way 没有人会赢得今天,我们不能玩这个游戏......就这样


We cannot soar and still stay on the ground 我们不能飞冲天,仍然停留在地面上

Don't wanna see me, hear me, hate me... 我不想看到我,听到我,恨我...


"Hate, hate, hate" “我恨,恨,恨”


Jealousy's a phantom, 嫉妒是一种幻象,

Something that was never, ever meant to find me 这是从来没有,永远意味着有事找我

But now its pale green eyes have destroyed everything 但现在它的浅绿色的眼睛已经摧毁了一切


You know how it must hurt, and I know, 你怎么知道它一定很疼,我知道,

There is nothing you've done to deserve this. 没有什么是你对我做了应得的。


Apology's a policy, 道歉是一种策略,

Sometimes it really has to be, it's kept me afloat thus far... 有时候真的是,它使我漂浮迄今...


This sure nuf's one nice 这肯定NUF的一个美好

loose noose, perfect times... 宽松的绞索,完美倍...

Are we happy in this hell? 我们是快乐的在这地狱?

Is there someone who can measure... 有没有谁可以测量...

Whose pain is bigger? 谁的痛苦是更大?


It all has ended, the clock's rewinded. 这一切都已经结束,时钟的反绕。

We don't mean anything to me. You think? 我们不是说什么给我。您认为?

I killed this silence for you to end the night 我杀了这种沉默,为您结束夜

The words are loaded 话是装


Unprotected, one torso, no head 不受保护的,一是躯干,没有头

One valid reason, the life's suspended 一个正当的理由,生命的中止

If love's the neck that kept us together, and apart... 如果爱的是使我们在一起,除了脖子......

Now it's broken... 现在是坏...


There's no cast, no real solution 有没有投,没有真正的解决办法

When it is broken, it will stay that way 当它被打破,它就会保持下去

Believe me when I say this 相信我,当我说这

I would not if I did not care 我不会,如果我不在乎


Who needs who, when and what the hell for? 谁需要谁,什么时候,什么是地狱吗?

Who wants to suffer and be hardcore? 谁愿意受苦,是铁杆?

And who's strong enough to peel off the dead skin... 而谁是强大到足以脱落的死皮......


I cannot face this day, my guards are down. 我无法面对这一天,我的警卫了。

歌词 The Dead Skin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-dead-skin/

歌词 The Dead Skin 的作者与版权信息:


Henrik Klingenberg, Tommy Portimo, Marko Paasikoski, Elias Viljanen, Toni Kakko


Continental Concerts & Management Gmbh, Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Germany) Gmbh