歌词 "The Dead Girls Of London" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Dead Girls Of London



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Zappa/Shankar 扎帕/香卡

Do you see what they are 你看它们是什么

Do you hear what they say 你听到他们在说什么

People it is sad but true 人是可悲的,但真正的

They're dressed really stupid 他们穿着很愚蠢

But they think they're O.K. 但他们认为他们是O.K.

And they got no use for you 他们有没有需要你了

The dead girls of London 伦敦的女孩死亡

Why do they act that way? 他们为什么要那样做?


Maybe it's the water, mama 也许是水,妈妈

Maybe it's the tea 也许这是茶

Maybe it's the way they was raised 也许这是他们的教养

Maybe it's the stuff what they read in the papers 也许这就是他们在报纸上读到的东西

Keeps them lookin' sorta half in a daze 让他们看着的八九不离十半发呆

Well the dead girls of London 伦敦以及死者女孩

Why do they act that way? 他们为什么要那样做?


We're the dead girls of London 我们是伦敦的女孩死亡

We thinks we are fine 我们认为,我们都很好

We ain't hittin' on nothin' 我们是不是是地球上的没什么

But the boutique frame of mind 但心灵的精品架


You see 'em dancing at the disco every night 你看每天晚上时间在跳舞的迪斯科

Like a bunch of little robot queens 像一群小机器人王后

Making little noises full of fake delight 充分假冒喜悦的噪音不大

But they're really just so full of beans 但他们真的只是如此充满豆

The dead girls of London 伦敦的女孩死亡

Why do they act that way? 他们为什么要那样做?


We're the dead girls of London 我们是伦敦的女孩死亡

We thinks we are fine 我们认为,我们都很好

We ain't hittin' on nothin' 我们是不是是地球上的没什么

But the boutique frame of mind 但心灵的精品架


Boutique frame of mind 心灵的精品架

Gee I like your pants 哎呀,我喜欢你的裤子

Boutique frame of mind 心灵的精品架

Gee I like your pants 哎呀,我喜欢你的裤子

Boutique frame of mind 心灵的精品架

Gee I like your pants 哎呀,我喜欢你的裤子

歌词 The Dead Girls Of London 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-dead-girls-of-london/