歌词 "The Connoisseur Of Great Excuse" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Connoisseur Of Great Excuse



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Of all the foolish things to do 所有的愚蠢的事情做的

I became a connoisseur of great excuse 我成为伟大的借口鉴赏家

And my pessimistic past the blame 我的悲观过去的怪

Will never make this go away 永远不会让这个消失

Of all the foolish things I've said 所有的愚蠢的事情我已经说过了

That keep me sleepy almost dead 这让我昏昏欲睡快死了

I'm sorry if I've let you down 对不起,如果我让你失望

My eyes were closed, they're open now 我的眼睛被关闭,他们现在开放


I'm waking up 我醒来

I am waking up 我醒来

I am waking up 我醒来

I awake 我清醒


And this has all been said before 这已全部被前说

I've listened but then I ignored 我听了,但后来我忽略

My ears grew deaf 我的耳朵聋增长

My head gave up 我的头就放弃了

The junkie knows not when to stop 这名吸毒者不知道何时停止

Of all the foolish alibis 所有的愚蠢的借口

The constipated push for why 便秘的推动原因

I've had a blanket pulled over my eyes 我已经拉过我的眼睛毯子

Oh hush now baby don't you cry 哦,嘘,现在宝贝你不要哭


I'm waking up 我醒来

I am waking up 我醒来

I am waking up 我醒来

I'm awake 我清醒

Coming 未来

I am waking up 我醒来

I'm ready 我准备好了

I am waking up 我醒来

Dada da da da daaa 达达哒哒哒daaa

歌词 The Connoisseur Of Great Excuse 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-connoisseur-of-great-excuse/

歌词 The Connoisseur Of Great Excuse 的作者与版权信息:


Damien George Rice


Warner/Chappell Music Publishing Ltd.