歌词 "The Colony Of Slippermen" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Colony Of Slippermen



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词



[Rael:] [雷尔: ]

I wandered lonely as a cloud, 我徘徊孤单的云,

Till I came upon this dirty street. 直到我来到这个肮脏的街道。

I've never seen a stranger crowd; 我从来没有见过一个陌生人的人群;

Slubberdegullions on a squeaky feet, Slubberdegullions上吱吱作响的脚,


Continually pacing, 不断踱步,

With nonchalant embracing, 随着不经意的拥抱,

Each orifice disgracing 每个孔辱没

And one facing me moves to say "hellay". 一面对我移动到说“ hellay ” 。


His skin's all covered in slimy lumps. 他的皮肤是覆盖所有的粘糊糊的块状物。

With lips that slide across each chin. 与在每个下巴滑到嘴唇。

His twisted limbs like rubber stamps 他扭曲的四肢像橡皮图章

Are waved in welcome say 'Please join in.' 正在招手欢迎说“请参与进来。 ”


My grip must be flipping, 我的抓地力,必须翻动,

Cos his handshake keeps slipping, COS他的握手持续下滑,

My hopes keep on dipping 我希望继续浸渍

And his lips keep on smiling all the time. 他的嘴唇一直保持微笑,所有的时间。


[Slipperman:] [ Slipperman : ]

"We like you, have tasted love. “我们喜欢你,尝到了爱情。

Don't be alarmed at what you see, 不要在你所看到的感到震惊,

You yourself are just the same 你自己是一样的

As what you see in me." 正如你在我身上看到。 “


[Rael:] [雷尔: ]

Me, like you? like that! 我喜欢你吗?这样的!


[Slipperman:] [ Slipperman : ]

"You better watch it son, your sentence has only just begun “你最好看它的儿子,你的句子才刚刚开始

You better run and join your brother John." 你更好的运行,并加入你的兄弟约翰。 “




[Slipperman:] [ Slipperman : ]

"You're in the colony of slippermen. “你在slippermen的殖民地。

There's no who? why? what? or when? 有没有谁?为什么呢?什么?或者什么时候?


You get out if you've got the gripe 你得到了,如果你有抱怨

To see, Doktor Dyper, reformed sniper- 看, DOKTOR Dyper ,改革sniper-

he'll whip off your windscreenwiper 他会掀起了你的windscreenwiper


[Rael:] [雷尔: ]

John and I are able 约翰和我都能够

To face the Doktor and his marble table. 面对DOKTOR和他的大理石桌子。


[The Doktor:] [本DOKTOR : ]

Understand Rael, it's the end of your tail. 了解雷尔,这是你的尾巴末端。


[Rael:] [雷尔: ]

"Don't delay, dock the dick!" “不要拖延,停靠的家伙! ”

I watch his countdown timer tick...... 我看着他的倒数计时器滴答......


[THE RAVEN] [乌鸦]


He places the number into a tube, 他的名额成管,

A yellow plastic "shoobedoobe". 一个黄色的塑料“ shoobedoobe ” 。

It says: "Though your fingers may tickle 它说: “虽然你的手指可能会痒

You'll be safe in our pickle." 你会很安全在我们的泡菜。 “

Suddenly, black cloud comes down from the sky. 突然,乌云从天而降下来。

It's a supersize black bird that sure can fly. 这是一个超大的黑色鸟肯定能飞。


The raven brings on darkness and night 乌鸦带来的黑暗和黑夜

He flies right down, gives me one hell of a fright. 他过得还好吗下来,给了我一个惊吓的地狱。

He takes the tube right out of my hands 他以管权不在我手中

Man, I've got to find out where that black bird lands. 伙计,我必须找出那黑色的鸟的土地。


"Look here John, I've got to run “瞧约翰,我得走了

I need you now, you going to come?" 我需要你,现在,你要来吗? “

He says to me. 他对我说。


[John:] [约翰: ]

"Now can't you see “现在你看不出来

Where the raven flies there's jeopardy. 当乌鸦飞有危险。


We've been cured on the couch 我们已经固化在沙发上

Now you're sick with your grouch. 现在你生病了你的牢骚。

I'll not risk my honey pouch 我不会冒险我亲爱袋

Which my slouch will wear slung very low." 这我没精打采会穿挂着非常低。 “


[Rael:] [雷尔: ]

He walks away and leaves me once again. 他走开,再次离开了我。

Even though I never learn, 虽然我永远也学不会,

I'd hoped he'd show just some concern. 我希望他会表现出只是有些担心。


I'm in agony of Slipperpain 我在Slipperpain的痛苦

I pray my undercarriage will sustain. 我祈祷我的底盘将会持续。

The chase is on, the pace is hot 追逐是,步伐是热的

But I'm running so very hard with everything I've got. 但我用我得到的一切运行,所以很辛苦。

He leads me down an underpass 他带我下来的地下通道

Though it narrows, he still flies very fast, 虽然缩小了,他仍然过得非常快,

When the tunnel stops 当隧道站

I catch sight of the tube, just as it drops. 我抓住视线的管子,就像它丢弃。

I'm on top of a bank, to steep to climb, 我在银行之上,陡峭的攀爬,

I see it hit the water, just in time, 我看到它碰到水,只是在时间,

to watch it float away. 看着它漂走。

歌词 The Colony Of Slippermen 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-colony-of-slippermen/

歌词 The Colony Of Slippermen 所在专辑及曲目:
  • 专辑年份:1974
  • 专辑歌手:GENESIS
  • 类别:album
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Fly On A Windshield
Broadway Melody Of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In The Cage
The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
Back In N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
The Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber Of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith
The Waiting Room
The Supernatural Anaesthetist
The Lamia
The Colony Of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down On Broadway
Riding The Scree
In The Rapids
  • 专辑年份:1998
  • 专辑歌手:GENESIS
  • 类别:album
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Fly On A Windshield
Broadway Melody Of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In The Cage
The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
Back In N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
The Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber Of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith
The Waiting Room
Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist
The Lamia
The Colony Of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down On Broadway
Riding The Scree
In The Rapids
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
Firth Of Fifth
More Fool Me
Supper's Ready
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Twilight Alehouse
Happy The Man
Watcher Of The Skies
In The Wilderness
The Shepherd
Let Us Now Make Love
Going Out To Get You
Build Me A Mountain
Image Blown Out
One Day
Where The Sour Turns To Sweet
In The Beginning
The Magic Of Time
Hidden In The World Of Dawn
Sea Bee
The Mystery Of The Flannan Isle Lighthouse
Hair On The Arms And Legs
She's So Beautiful
Try A Little Sadness
Silence Like Lasagna (6′7" Freestyle)
Are You Ready?
Collie Man
Bring It Back
Get It All Together
Dark As A Dungeon
Ace Of Hz
All My Love Is Gone
Count The Shadows
The Legacy Of Odio
Right Tool For The Job
A Kiss From The Sky
Drummer Boy
I Saw A Man
Touch The World
歌词 The Colony Of Slippermen 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Anthony George Banks, Steve Hackett, Mike Rutherford


Phil Collins Ltd., Real World Music Ltd., Stephen Hackett Ltd., Imagem Music Nl, Rutherford Michael Ltd.