歌词 "The Boxer" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Boxer



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A bruised full moon play fights with the stars, 压伤的满月发挥战斗与明星,

This place is our prison, it's cells are the bars. 这个地方是我们的监狱,它的细胞是酒吧。

So take me to town, I want to dance with the city, 所以带我去城里,我想跳舞的城市,

Show me something ugly and show me something pretty. 让我看看丑陋的东西,并告诉我一些漂亮。


Damn this place, makes a boy out of me, 哎呀这个地方,让一个男孩我了,

The ring meets my face by the count of three 该环由三个数满足我的脸


An unwanted son pulls rank in the sky, 不想要的儿子拉排名在天空中,

The boxer isn't finished, he's not ready to die, 拳击手没有完成,他还没准备好去死,

I'm attracted to the light, I am attracted to the heat 我吸引到了光,我吸引到热

It's a violent night, there are boxers in the streets. 这是一个暴力的夜晚,还有在街上的人群中。


Damn this place, makes a boy out of me, 哎呀这个地方,让一个男孩我了,

The rain meets my face by the count of three. 雨水通过数到三符合我的脸。

Damn this place, makes a boy out of me, 哎呀这个地方,让一个男孩我了,

The rain meets my face, I'm a fallen oak tree 雨中符合我的脸,我是一个堕落的橡树


Dazed in the final count, 茫然的最终计数,

Dazed in the final count, 茫然的最终计数,

Dazed in the final count, 茫然的最终计数,

Dazed in the final count. 茫然的最终计数。

歌词 The Boxer 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-boxer/

歌词 The Boxer 的作者与版权信息:


Christopher Urbanowicz, Russell Leetch, Thomas Smith, Edward Lay


Soul Kitchen Music Ltd.