歌词 "The Black Halo" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Black Halo



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Come wind come snow come winter land 来风来雪的冬天来的土地

I have resigned myself to death 我已经辞职自己死亡

Come will to show the heathen hand 来的就显示在列邦手

So I can draw my final breath 所以,我可以得出我的最后一口气


You could take me higher 你可以带我高

So you said I trusted you 所以,你说我信任你

I may be a liar 我可能是个骗子

But betrayal lies on you 但谎言背叛你


I could feel where the journey ends 我能感觉到那里的旅程结束

Final cough of a last defense 最后的防线最终咳嗽


Darkness come tonight 黑暗今晚来

I have no fear of what you hold 我没有恐惧,你持有

Darkness come alive 黑暗中活了过来

You are the stories I've been told 你是我一直在说故事


I possess a power 我拥有一个电源

Of survival in the cold 生存在寒冷的

Life is like a flower 人生就像一朵花

As it stumbles out of fold 因为它绊倒了折


We all know when the time has come 我们都知道,当时间已经到来

This is where I will linger on 这是我挥之不去


Darkness come tonight 黑暗今晚来

I have no fear of what you hold 我没有恐惧,你持有

Darkness come alive 黑暗中活了过来

You are the stories I've been told 你是我一直在说故事


Darkness come tonight 黑暗今晚来

Nothing can take my faith away 没有什么可以把我的信仰走

Darkness come alive 黑暗中活了过来

Life turns to black from silver gray 生活变成从银灰黑


Darkness come tonight 黑暗今晚来

I have no fear of what you hold 我没有恐惧,你持有

Darkness come alive 黑暗中活了过来

You are the stories I've been told 你是我一直在说故事


Darkness come tonight 黑暗今晚来

Nothing can take my faith away 没有什么可以把我的信仰走

Darkness come alive 黑暗中活了过来

Life turns to black from silver gray 生活变成从银灰黑

歌词 The Black Halo 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-black-halo-1/