歌词 "The Best Christmas Of Them All" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Best Christmas Of Them All



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all this year 这是他们最好的圣诞今年所有要去

Everybodys gonna have a ball 每个人的会有个球

Christmas trees are shining bright 圣诞树闪亮亮

And the presents all around 和礼物各地

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all 这会是他们所有的最好的圣诞


Well santa clause is gonna be busy 以及圣诞老人是要去忙

With rudolph on christmas night 鲁道夫在圣诞之夜

They'll be travelling together 他们会一起旅行

Through all kinds of weather 通过各种天气

To make our christmas bright 为了让我们的圣诞亮


Just wait and see 只是等待和观望

When the snow falls on the ground 当雪花落在地上

Let there be peace in the wold all around 让我们有在和平总动员各地

You will hear the music playing 您会听到音乐播放

And everbody saying 而感到沉沦说

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all 这会是他们所有的最好的圣诞


Well santa clause is gonna be busy 以及圣诞老人是要去忙

With rudolph on christmas night 鲁道夫在圣诞之夜

Yhey'll be travelling together Yheyll被同行

Through all kinds of weather 通过各种天气

To make our christmas bright 为了让我们的圣诞亮


Well santa clause is gonna be busy 以及圣诞老人是要去忙

With rudolph on christmas night 鲁道夫在圣诞之夜

They'll be travelling together 他们会一起旅行

Through all kinds of weather 通过各种天气

To make our christmas bright 为了让我们的圣诞亮


It's gonna be the best christmas of them all this year 这是他们最好的圣诞今年所有要去

Everybodys gonna have a ball 每个人的会有个球

Christmas trees are shining bright 圣诞树闪亮亮

And the presents all around 和礼物各地

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all 这会是他们所有的最好的圣诞

Yeah it's gonna be the best christmas of them all 是啊这会是他们全部的最好的圣诞

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all 这会是他们所有的最好的圣诞


Yeah 是啊

It's gonna be 这会是

Yeah 是啊

Well i'm telling you I'm telling you I'm telling i'm telling 好吧,我告诉你,我告诉你,我告诉我告诉

I'm telling you baby I'm telling you now 我告诉你,宝贝,现在我要告诉你

It's gonna be the best christmas of them all 这会是他们所有的最好的圣诞


Ooh I'm gonna tell 哦,我要告诉

Lawdy lawdy tell me right now Lawdy lawdy告诉我,现在

It's gonna be the best christmas... 这会是最好的圣诞...

歌词 The Best Christmas Of Them All 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-best-christmas-of-them-all/