歌词 "The Beat Of Her Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Beat Of Her Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She was a tempest 她是一个暴风雨

Her beauty a storm 她的美丽风暴

Oh her eyes they were filled with the sun 哦,她的眼睛,他们充满了阳光

She would dance while I played her my songs 她会跳舞,而我打了她我的歌

The earth stood while she danced alone 地球停转,而她独自跳舞


He was a tempest 他是一个暴风雨

His craving a storm 他渴望一场风暴

He lusted her body from deep in the grove 他贪恋她的身体深处的小树林

Enraptured or captured 眉飞色舞或被俘

Betrayed or betrothed 背叛或许配

She would be his 她会是他

She’d be his alone 她是他的独


So she ran, oh she ran from the satyr’s chase 于是,她跑了,哦,她从色狼的追逐跑

She ran for her love and her life 她跑了她的爱和她的生活

She tred on a snake 她TRED的蛇

Venom replaced both the beat of her heart and the song in mine 毒液代替她的心脏双方的节奏和歌曲在我

The beat of her heart and the song in mine 她的心脏的跳动和歌曲在我


The music was morning 音乐是早晨

A requiem cry 安魂曲哭

I wept with my songs for the love of my life 于是我哭了我的歌曲,我一生的挚爱

It broke all the hearts of the gods in the skies 它打破了神所有的心在天空中

I played my guitar and the earth opened wide 我打我的吉他和大地敞开


How I played, oh I played in the underworld 我怎么打,哦,我在阴间起

Oh, I played for my love and her life 哦,我打我的爱情和她的生活

Oh, I pled with the gods 哦,我PLED与神

Give her back 给她回

Give a beat to her heart and a song to mine 给一拍她的心脏和歌雷

The beat of her heart and the song in mine 她的心脏的跳动和歌曲在我


Hades responded, a glint in his eye 阎王回答,闪闪发光在他的眼睛

I grant you your plea 我承认你求情

You may leave with your wife 你可以跟你的妻子离开

With one small request 有一个小小的要求

I suggest you obey 我建议你​​听

You musn’t look back as you walk away 你不可以回头,你走开


So we ran oh we ran to the dawning light 因此,我们跑了哦,我们跑到曙光光

Oh we ran for our love and our lives 哦,我们跑了我们的爱和我们的生活

Once again I would hear the sweet sound of the beat of her heart 我再次听到她的心脏的跳动甜美的声音

And the song in mine 而这首歌在我

The beat of her heart and the song in mine 她的心脏的跳动和歌曲在我


My mind was a tempest 我的心是一个暴风雨

My doubt was a storm 我的疑问是一场风暴

I turned back to see 我转身回头看

She really had come 她真的已经到来

Just as our eyes met 正如我们的目光相遇

She faded from sight 她从视线中消失

That’s when I knew I would never find 这时候,我知道我将永远找不到

The beat of her heart or the song in mine 她的心脏的跳动或歌曲在我

歌词 The Beat Of Her Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-beat-of-her-heart/