歌词 "That's What I Think" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

That's What I Think



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sometimes I think 有时我想,

Things are overwhelming 事情是压倒性的

Sometimes I think 有时我想,

I don't know what I'll do 我不知道我会做什么

But I forget the world 但我忘记了世界

And everything around me 和我周围的一切

That's what I think 这就是我想

When I think about you 当我想你的时候


The streets are filled 街道上充满

With too many babies 有太多的孩子

Black air in a sky of blue 在蓝色的天空黑气

People pass by 人们擦肩而过

No life in their eyes 没有生命在他们眼里

The concrete jungle's 水泥丛林的

Really going crazy 真的要疯了


Sometimes I think 有时我想,

Things are overwhelming... 事情是铺天盖地...


The rent is due 租金是由于

And the pockets are empty 而且口袋是空的

People ask machines 人们问机

For the truth 真相

No crystal ball 没有水晶球

Can help see it all 可以帮助看到这一切

But where we gonna find 但是,在这里我们会找到

The dreams to feed the babies 梦想喂婴儿


Baby life goes on 宝宝生活在继续

That's what people say 这就是人们说的

But I'm nowhere 但我无处

If you go away 如果你走了

I'd just be looking 我只是在寻找

For a brighter day 为了更美好的一天


Sometimes I think 有时我想,

Things are overwhelming... 事情是铺天盖地...

What can I do 我能做些什么

Forget about the world 忘掉世界

And everything around me 和我周围的一切

That's what I think 这就是我想

When I think about you 当我想你的时候

歌词 That's What I Think 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/that_s-what-i-think/

歌词 That's What I Think 的作者与版权信息:


E. Bazilian, R. Hyman, Rob Hyman, A. Willis, Cyndi Lauper, Allee Willis


Rellla Music Corp., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Dub Notes Music, Human Boy Music, Warner Tamerlane Pub/Streamline Moderne Music, Streamline Moderne, WB Music Corp.