歌词 "Thank You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Thank You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

For the many times I've fallen 对于很多次,我已经爱上

And yet You forgave me, thank You, 然而,你原谅我,谢谢你,

Lord, I thank You 主啊,我感谢你

For unmerited favor, 对于不配得的青睐,

And Your brand new mercies 和你全新的慈悲

Thank You, how I thank You 谢谢你,我该怎么感谢你,

For wakin' me up this morning 对于周而复始今天早上我起来

For letting me see one more dawning 让我看到多了一个黎明

Thank You, Lord, I thank You, 谢谢你,主,我感谢你,

I thank You, Lord, Oooooh 我感谢你,主啊,哇,


For life, health, and strength 对于生命,健康和力量

For food and for shelter, 食物和住所,

thank You, Lord, I thank You 感谢你,主,我感谢你

If I had ten thousand tongues 如果我有10000舌头

It just wouldn't be enough to say 它仅仅是不够的说

Thank You, how I thank You 谢谢你,我该怎么感谢你,

For wakin' me up this morning 对于周而复始今天早上我起来

For letting me see one more dawning 让我看到多了一个黎明

Thank You, Lord, I thank You, 谢谢你,主,我感谢你,

I thank You, Lord, Oooooh 我感谢你,主啊,哇,

For saving my soul, for making me whole 救了我的灵魂,让我整个

For calming my fears, for wiping my tears 为了安抚我的恐惧,为我擦眼泪

And letting me know that I'm not alone 并让我知道我并不孤单

For wakin' me up this morning 对于周而复始今天早上我起来

For letting me see one more dawning 让我看到多了一个黎明

Thank You, I thank You, Lord 谢谢你,谢谢你,主

歌词 Thank You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/thank-you-58/

歌词 Thank You 的作者与版权信息:


Mitsuru Matsuoka, Richard Lee Smallwood


Bridge Building Music, Nippon Television Music Corp., T. Autumn Music