歌词 "Tested" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Simplicity, is what we need 简单,是我们需要的

And I know it in my heart 而且我知道它在我的心脏

So many choices make us think we need 这么多的选择让我们觉得我们需要

What we haven't got 我们还没有得到什么


I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

I've been tested, by an angel 我已经测试过,一个天使

I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

There's a way out to the sea of happiness 有出路的幸福海


And if I knew what Buddha taught 如果我知道佛陀教导

And would my wings unfold 并且将我的翅膀展开

And if I had all that I want 如果我有所有我想要

Could I let it go 我可以让他走


I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

I've been tested, by an angel 我已经测试过,一个天使

I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

There's a way out to the sea of happiness 有出路的幸福海


And sometimes I feel I'm learning to crawl 有时候我觉得我学爬

Like I'm still learning how to love 像我还在学习如何去爱

And sometimes I feel like I'm losing it all 有时候我觉得我失去了一切

But I know there must be some way we can rise above 但我知道一定有方法,我们可以在上面上升


I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

I've been tested, by an angel 我已经测试过,一个天使

I've been blessed, by you 我一直在祝福,由你

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

There's a way out to the sea of happiness 有出路的幸福海

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

And I know and I believe 我知道,我相信

歌词 Tested 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tested/