歌词 "Termites" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Jinn! Always the Jinn, always take one on the chin 精灵!始终精灵,总是在下巴采取一

The devil dogs and scorpions peel away and wear my skin 魔鬼狗和蝎子剥离和穿我的皮肤


Smokeless flame, the common name 无烟火焰,俗名

Less than the angels but more of the same 比天使更小,但更多的相同

No paradise, no gre'thor will lay their claim 没有天堂,没有grethor将为他们的要求

Whether the intentions are violent or just mundane 无论是意图暴力或只是平凡


With the wind he disappeared 随着风,他消失了

Confirming everything that I feared 我害怕一切的确认

The time passed is shown by the length of his beard 经过的时间显示被他的胡子长度


Salayman stands dead on his feet Salayman站死在他的脚

Waiting for termites to resolve his conceit 等待白蚁来解决他的自负

In the mountains, in the seas, 在山上,海里,

In the air waits the disease 空气中的等待的疾病

We are not gods, death comes to us all 我们不是神,死神降临到我们所有人

But tonight I'm invincible; tomorrow I'll crawl 但今晚我无敌;明天我会爬

In the mountains, in the seas, 在山上,海里,

In the air waits the disease 空气中的等待的疾病


The Jinn in this bottle, just don't let him drown 精灵在这瓶,只是不要让他淹死

Next lesson you swallow, might be hard to keep down 下一课你吞下,可能很难存下来

Taste the penalty of the blazing fire 品尝烈火的刑罚

Taste the penalty, sing with the Devil's choir 品尝点球,唱与魔鬼的合唱团


Jinn! Always the Jinn! 精灵!始终精灵!

Never thick and never thin 永远不要厚,薄从未

Thicker than blood, less than kin 厚于血,不到坚

The rattle trap night ends where it begins 嘎嘎陷阱晚上结束的地方开始

歌词 Termites 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/termites/

歌词 Termites 的作者与版权信息:


Luke Hoskin, Moe Carlson, Rody Walker, Timothy Millar, Arif Mirabdolbaghi


Coinfish Publishing