歌词 "Tennessee Pusher" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tennessee Pusher



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Out on the lonely highway 出的寂寞公路

I'm riding your way 我骑着你的方式

Tell your momma to bar the cabin door 告诉你的妈妈吧舱门


Heading out on a short run 标题列在短期内

Just looking for someone 只是想找个人

Who doesn't love me anymore 谁不爱我了


Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher 田纳西推,推田纳西州,田纳西州推


Last night in the hollar 昨晚在hollar

I made a thousand dollars 我做了一个千元

But I couldn't believe just what I saw 不过,我简直不敢相信刚才我所看到的


You were out in the moonlight 你在月光下

Until the break of daylight 直到白天的休息

Giving your love to the law 给你的爱法


Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher 田纳西推,推田纳西州,田纳西州推


Climbing up on the mountain 在山上攀爬

Heartbeat pounding 心跳冲击

Reckless as a cyclone 罔顾旋风


You're the one that am after 你是一个很后

But I am a wanted man for 但我是一个通缉犯的

Bringing it all back home 把它全部回家


Now there's gunsmoke in the valley 现在有硝烟的山谷

Blood like jelly 血像果冻

As three crows circle a dead tree 三只乌鸦盘旋一棵枯树


One for the lover 一个是爱人

One for the pusher 一对推杆

One for the deputy 一为副


Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee pusher 田纳西州,田纳西州,田纳西州推

Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher, Tennessee pusher 田纳西推,推田纳西州,田纳西州推

歌词 Tennessee Pusher 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tennessee-pusher/

歌词 Tennessee Pusher 的作者与版权信息:


Ketch Secor


Blood Donor Music