歌词 "Tenderloin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Realize you're dehumanized 明白了你非人化

You critisize your existance 您critisize你的存在性

It's your demise when no sun arise 这是你灭亡的时候没有太阳出现

When you're paralized by your lack of resistance 当你通过你的缺乏抵抗力paralized


She know she is 她知道她是

She knows she's going 她知道她是怎么回事

Down below where the fire's glowing 而在下面,其中火的炽热

Tenderloin 里脊


The tricks she gets them she's not a victim 招数她得到他们,她不是一个受害者

She makes a list of them and reads them all alone 她让他们的名单,单独读取它们都

For money she's walking down on larkin' 为了钱,她的上拉金走“

In T.I. they're rocking all night long 在T.I.他们摇一整夜

歌词 Tenderloin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tenderloin-2/