歌词 "Tell Her Tonight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tell Her Tonight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I only watched her walk, but she saw it 我只是看着她走,但她看到了

I only heard her talk, but she saw it 我只听到她说话,但她看到了

I only touched her lips but she saw it 我只摸了她的唇,但她认为这

I only kissed her lips, but she saw it 我只是吻了她的唇,但她看到了

Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4] 要去得告诉她今晚[ X4 ]

She only flicked her eyes, but I saw it 她只是瞟了她的眼睛,但我看到它

She only swung her hair, but I saw it 她只是挥舞她的头发,但我看到它

She only shook her hips, but I saw it 她只是摇摇她的臀部,但我看到它

She only licked her lips, but I saw it 她只舔她的嘴唇,但我看到它

Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4] 要去得告诉她今晚[ X4 ]


Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah 嘿,我得告诉她,你告诉她,今晚,是啊

I'll have to tell her, tell her tonight, yeah 我要告诉她,告诉她今晚是啊

I'll have to tell her, to tell her tonight, yeah 我要告诉她,告诉她今晚是啊

I'll have to tell her, to tell her tonight 我要告诉她,告诉她今晚


I only held her hand, but she saw it 我只是握着她的手,但她看到了

I only watched her walk, but she saw it 我只是看着她走,但她看到了

I only touched her neck but she saw it 我只摸她的脖子,但她认为这

I only kissed her lips, but she saw it 我只是吻了她的唇,但她看到了

Gonna have to tell her tonight [x4] 要去得告诉她今晚[ X4 ]


Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah 嘿,我得告诉她,你告诉她,今晚,是啊

Hey, I'll have to tell her, you tell her tonight, yeah 嘿,我得告诉她,你告诉她,今晚,是啊

You have to tell her, you tell her tonight, oh yeah 你要告诉她,你告诉她,今晚,哦耶

歌词 Tell Her Tonight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tell-her-tonight-1/

歌词 Tell Her Tonight 的作者与版权信息:


Nicholas John Mccarthy, Alexander Paul Kapranos Huntley, Paul Robert Thompson, Robert Hardy


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.