歌词 "Tears" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

All of the seasons and all of the days 所有季节,所有的日子

All of the reasons why I've felt this way 所有的就是我这样的感觉的原因

So long... 这么久...

So long 这么久


Then lost in that feeling I looked in your eyes 那么这种感觉我看着你的眼睛失去了

I noticed emotion and that you had cried 我注意到的情感和你哭

For me 对我来说

I can see 我可以看到


What would touch me deeper... 你会触摸我更深......

Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? 泪水从眼中落下,只有哭泣?

Would it touch you deeper 它将更深的触动你

Than tears that fall from eyes that know why? 比下降,从眼睛知道为什么流泪?


A lifetime of questions, tears on your cheek 问题是终身的,泪水在你的脸颊

I tasted the answers and my body was weak 我尝到了答案,我的身体是弱

For you 为了你

The truth 真相


What would touch me deeper... 你会触摸我更深......

Tears that fall from eyes that only cry? 泪水从眼中落下,只有哭泣?

Would it touch you deeper 它将更深的触动你

Than tears that fall from eyes that know why? 比下降,从眼睛知道为什么流泪?

歌词 Tears 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tears-23/

歌词 Tears 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Heaton, Dave Rotheray, Geddy Lee, Katrina Russ, James Gerard Mcdermott


BMG Sapphire Songs, Island Music Ltd., Katt Rockell Music, Core Music Publishing, Bert'S Songs Ltd.