歌词 "Taurus II" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Taurus II



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hush now baby made a start 嘘,现在宝宝开了个头

There's a jewel in your heart 有一个在你的心脏的一颗明珠

And a star that shines for you 和恒星照耀你

Watching everything you do 你看一切

Don't you cry though it may seem 你不要哭,虽然它可能看起来

You were born into a dream 你出身在一个梦想

There's another race to run 还有另一场比赛跑

You were not the only one 你不是唯一一个

Standing in the morning sun 站在清晨的阳光

Waiting though it had begun 等待虽然它已经开始

May you never run aground 愿你永远不会搁浅

Or call into the deep deep sound 或拨打进深深的声音

Stormy weather turns to blue 暴风雨天气转蓝

Here's a song to take with you 这里有一首歌曲随身携带

歌词 Taurus II 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/taurus-ii/

歌词 Taurus II 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Gordon Oldfield


Oldfield Music Ltd., Stage Three Music (Catalogues) Limited